Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Satisfuction Hussyfan
Un uomo, il suo cavallo ed il suo cane camminavano lungo una strada. Mentre passavano vicino ad un albero gigantesco, un fulmine li colpì, uccidendoli all'istante.
Ma il viandante non si accorse di aver lasciato questo mondo e continuò a camminare, accompagnato dai suoi animali.
Sometimes, the dead takes some time to take stock of their new condition ... The journey was very long, had to climb a hill, the sun beats down and they were sweaty and thirsty. At a bend in the road, they saw a magnificent gate, marble, leading to a plaza paved with blocks of gold, the center of which stands a fountain with crystal clear water.
The traveler turned to the man who guarded the entrance.
- "Hello"
- "Hello" said the keeper.
- "What is this place, so beautiful?"
- "E 'heaven'
-" That's great to have arrived in heaven, we have so thirsty! "
-" You can go and drink at will. "
The guard pointed to the fountain.
-" Even my horse and my dog \u200b\u200bthirsty "
-" I'm very sorry, "said the warden,
" but this is not allowed entry to the animals " .
The man was very disappointed, his thirst was great, but he never drank alone.
thanked the guard and went on.
After walking up the long hill, the traveler and the animals came to a place whose entry consisted of an old door,
that opened up a dirt path, bordered by trees.
the shadow of one of them was lying a man wearing a hat;
was probably asleep.
"Hello "said the traveler.
The man nodded his head.
- "I, my horse and my dog \u200b\u200bwe're thirsty."
- "There's a source among those rocks," said the man, indicating the place, and added
- "You can drink at will."
The man, the horse and the dog approached the source and quenched their thirst.
The traveler went to thank.
"Come back when you want," replied the man.
the way, do you call this place? "
-" Heaven. "
-" Heaven? But the keeper of the gate of marble said the sky was there! "
-" That is not heaven, is hell. "
The traveler was puzzled.
" should prohibit them to use your name!
Of course, this false information would cause great confusion "
" Absolutely not. In fact, there are a great favor.
Why stop there anyone who does not hesitate
to leave their best friends ...." He said the guardian
Never leave your true friends
Why: find a friend and a Grace,
have a friend is a Gift,
Keep A Friend is a Virtue ....
Paulo Coelho
Did you like this story? What do you think?
I liked it a lot, and I approve this final in full because of so-called friends if they find plenty of them around, but we need to see if they are really serious about this and if we keep them, because friendship is as a
"sand castle, hard to build, easy to break"
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Swingset Chicken Coop
slowly dies
day the same itineraries, who does not change
the march
who does not risk and change the color of the clothes,
does not talk to those who do not know.
He or she who shuns passion,
who prefers black on white
, dotting the "i"
rather than a set of emotions,
kind that make your eyes shine,
those that make
a yawn a smile,
those that make the heart beat
face of mistakes and feelings.
dies who does not overthrow the table, and who
'unhappy at work,
who does not risk certainty for uncertainty
to chase a dream,
who does not allow at least once
life, to flee from sensate advises.
He or she who does not travel,
does not read, does not listen to music,
who does not find grace in himself.
Dies slowly he who destroys pride,
who does not accept help;
who passes his days complaining of his bad luck
or the incessant rain. He or she
who abandons a project before starting it, who does not
questions on subjects he does not know,
who does not answer when asked about something he knows.
We avoid death in small doses, remembering always that
being alive requires an effort far greater
the simple act of breathing.
Only a burning patience will lead
the attainment of a splendid happiness.

Pablo Neruda
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Brazilian Wax For Men Bangkok

programmatic Assembly of the Democratic Party
An entire season of the center mountain is still remembered because it was able of combining culture, ideas and ideals with the reality of its administrative action.
Conventions Public Library to discuss "An idea of \u200b\u200bthe city."
Friday, February 12, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Tech Decks Games Online
Inserito originariamente da a.rignanese
Il dolce tepore del focolare, dopo una giornata di freddo passata dietro greggi o a dissodare terreni.
Kates Playground Strawbeey
actually ... ..... are months that I do not go here ... in the meantime my mother spend Christmas with us, I have organized my first surprise party for the birthday of St. can bring together two of his old friends ... successful party:)
temrinasse year and before I left my contribution to the asphalt: I integrate the bike a little less but still ... walking:)
and await the spring ....
work? this is the wages for a period of adjustments .... shit, uniemens, autoliquidaizone VAT, cud, and then will come and ... irap easter ....
I look forward to the holidays for now ..... voglioa Ndar ein holiday ......
paelstra in the meantime I paid for a year and there .... I'm going to be more Bonehead? Oh well start again Mondays) February
good at all
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
How To Attach Shagbands
The professor smiled: 'I am Glad you asked. Need soloper show you that no matter how full your life may seem: there's always room for a couple of glasses of wine with a friend?