the Mayor dr. Andrea Ciliberti
TOWN Monte Sant'Angelo
The UDAS of Monte Sant'Angelo in accordance with the provisions of Art. 16 of the agreement with the City Council March 29, 2007 presents the final report management of the financial for the years 2007 to 2008 - 2009 and 1st half of 2010.
The Union of Associations has acted to ensure, during the entrusted management of sports facilities, all of the goals expressed by the administration of the municipality of Monte Sant'Angelo, contributing significantly to the promotion and the dissemination of sporting activities, enhancing all the different types of associations active in sports in the area, in cooperation with the users of the facilities in accordance with a management that you can certainly define owned .
In April 2007, signed the Convention, the UDAS took into custody the same sports and took charge to make significant improvements in the structures that have made more 'the functional sports themselves:
· BOUGHT N. 7 BENCHES and spread in all the locker room facilities including those entrusted Multipurpose Hall of the Gymnasium.
· PURCHASED mirrors, and put on a pose, to improve the functionality of the changing rooms of the 2nd multi gym (located to the road 58) and Soccer Fields .
· PURCHASED No.4 boiler for football pitches so that the simultaneous operation of two boilers for single dressing solve the chronic shortage of hot water discomfort to the team immediately following the previous year.
· BOUGHT DOORS soccer for Municipal Gym Multipurpose who are still on site.
· BOUGHT Networks for Ports Multipurpose Gymnasium Hall, the 2nd multi gym, the Sports Field and Field Calcetto (zona cimitero) che sono tuttora in loco.
· MESSA IN POSA della protezione antiurto agli spigoli delle colonne della 2° Palestra Polivalente sita alla strada 58
· INTERVENTI DI MANUTENZIONE ELETTRICA con sostituzione a norma di tutte le prese elettriche della 2° Palestra Polivalente sita alla Strada 58
· MAINTENANCE VARIOUS: replacement arms showers, repair and replacement of bathroom drains of tubs, welds and repairs in several different plants, cleaning the sewage channels Soccer Fields (cemetery area) various interventions in the local boiler repair, periodic, as far as possible, network maintenance fencing football fields, etc..
· All associations that Federal League had access to facilities as required by competition and training when they have time slots appropriate to their needs competitive.
· In recent years, has been granted, with regular service, custodial, although there were no mandatory commitment , the periodic Sunday use of Municipal Stadium dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 11.00 alla Associazione “ Amici del Campo Sportivo ” per incontri di calcio amatoriale fra over 35.
· ISTITUZIONE FASCIA SERALE: prolungamento, per la 2° Palestra Polivalente, della fascia oraria fino alle ore 22.00 di tutti i giorni feriali, aumentando di fatto il numero di ore fruibili dell’impianto sportivo, dando così una risposta positiva alle numerose richieste degli utenti lavoratori.
· Si è dato il giusto spazio, praticamente a livello gratuito , alle scuole e/o Parrocchie che hanno fatto richiesta di utilizzo sia della 2° Palestra Polivalente che del Campo Sportivo ( vedi Parrocchia Immacolata – Torneo studentesco e/o interparrocchiale)
· Garantita l’apertura e chiusura nei giorni feriali e festivi del Parco Giochi annesso ai Campi Calcetto (zona Cimitero) anche in periodi e orari non coincidenti con l’utilizzo di quest’ultimi.
· Dall’anno 2008 l’ UDAS ha garantito l’ UTILIZZO INVERNALE dei Campi Calcetto (zona Cimitero), anche su singola richiesta, alle Associazioni, e/o gruppi sportivi e amatoriali vari che effettuano, anche telefonicamente, la richiesta di prenotazione
· Since 2009, in order to facilitate the uptake of other sports, has been granted, with regular service, custodial, virtually at free n.2 hours per week can also use the 2nd Sunday of the multipurpose gym located at the Route 58 Association TENNIS INITIATIVE of Monte Sant'Angelo.
· Since 2009, the 'UDAS has guaranteed the' SUMMER USE the 2nd Gym Versatile, also single request, associations and / or amateur sports teams and various performing, by telephone, the booking request.
The UDAS availed itself of the availability of volunteers and members, who deserve our thanks, a spirit of service that have ensured hygiene, cleanliness Routine daily and scheduled, the minor maintenance and decoration of the premises, supervision and in particular the respect of opening and closing not without due flexibility organization.
A confirmation of the above is attached drawings Results obtained from Questionnaire - Monitoring the quality of service made between all the heads of the associations that use the multipurpose gym located at the 2nd Route 58.
The Association has taken charge of complaints and suggestions received taking appropriate countermeasures.
A guarantee of security have been put in place all the preventive actions necessary to minimize the number of injuries during sports activities and enjoyment of the premises.
The UDAS proceeded to take out insurance policies as required in Art. 8 of the Convention.
The economic management , aiming to self plants, had an active budget.
ensure the sound management of expenses, revenues have covered all the exits, have paid the annual fees Convention and utilities fixed.
Article. 16, paragraph 4 of the Convention, please refer to the Financial Statements 2007 - 2008 - 2009 and 1 st half of 2010, which are expressed in the detailed exposition of the various chapters of income and expenditure.
La nostra valutazione “oggettiva” ci induce ad essere realisticamente consapevoli, pur nell’impegno profuso , di non aver raggiunto il massimo nella conduzione degli impianti sportivi assegnati, tuttavia siamo, con ragionevole presunzione, convinti di aver offerto alla comunità un servizio più che soddisfacente su cui impostare le basi per un nuovo programma di miglioramento e di ammodernamento per coloro che avranno la futura gestione, sia essa Comunale o Privata , degli Impianti Sportivi.
Quanto sopra esposto, avendo una informata e reale conoscenza di quanto realizzato , Will make the right, appropriate and constructive criticism on our work for what you could give more to citizenship; criticism, no doubt, will be the starting point of the new management.
Prof. Anthony Rigney