Friday, January 28, 2011

Ssc Service Utility For Epson Cx4400


A regional law may derogate from the general rule that the award of a tender procedure is equivalent to signing the contract, so it is legitimate, a regional law, defer to a later date by the competent ordinary courts, to the rule established by state law. E ' quanto afferma la sentenza della Corte di cassazione, sezioni unite, con la pronuncia dell'11 gennaio 2011 n. 391 che decide su una questione di riparto di giurisdizione, fra giudice ordinario e giudice amministrativo. Veniva infatti eccepito il difetto di giurisdizione del giudice ordinario rispetto ad una controversia sottoposta alla giurisdizione del giudice amministrativo, sostenendosi che la deliberazione di aggiudicazione definitiva di un compendio immobiliare,venduto all'asta pubblica, contrariamente a quanto sostenuto dalla sentenza della Corte di appello di Bologna, non equivaleva a contratto di compravendita. Il collegio bolognese aveva sostenuto che il processo verbale di aggiudicazione definitiva equivale a tutti gli effetti al contratto, a norma del rd n. 2440 1923, art. 16, and therefore the position of the buyer, until the award is of legitimate interest, but becomes a subjective right after the award, given the equivalence between this award and contract, resulting in the jurisdiction of ordinary courts. The Supreme Court then had to decide whether the sales contract is deemed concluded as a result of one award, as the contested decision, pursuant to Royal Decree No. 2440, 1923, Art. 16, accounting status, or if necessary a subsequent exchange of will and conclusion of a formal contract, as provided for in Article 74 of Law No dell'Emilia Romagna 22, 1980. Yes was to reconstruct the general principles laid down by state, to verify the nature of this legislation and in their regional requirements. Before considering the merits, the Court noted that the knowledge of the ordinary courts, which courts of rights, becomes fully operational in the next phase of the implementation of the contractual relationship relating, being opened by the stipulation, which was entered following the conclusion - with the award? phase of the relationship between journalism Substance under state and regional provision, the courts say the law of State accounting of 1923 (the 2440), Article 16 states that ii the minutes of the final award is equivalent to every legal effetto al contratto. Ma tale disposizione, dicono i giudici, ha natura di «norma dispositiva, che si presta a essere derogata nel senso di escludere che l'aggiudicazione, oltre a concludere il procedimento di scelta del contraente, produca da sè la conclusione dell'accordo». La Cassazione argomenta che la norma statale, che è dettata in tema di contabilità generale dello Stato, «può essere derogate da una norma regionale nell'ambito di una materia, la cui competenza appartenga alla regione». Occorre quindi verificare se nell'ambito in cui incide il contratto vi sia una competenza normativa regionale. La Corte, nel caso di specie, si esprime positivamente in quanto nelle materie concorrenti, tra competenza legislativa dello State and the regions, shows the 'health', with the result that it is for the state to establish basic principles, and regions compete to dictate the enforcement provisions of these principles, with the autonomy and self-determination that, in constitutional design, for they have been recognized. The judges are descended from this that the rules concerning the conclusion of contracts, incidental to the identification of key lines of health care and health protection (which belong to the state) may well be the subject of regional training.

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On 21 January last was held in the restricted negotiation for the renewal of the contract cleaning firms integrated services / multi. >>>>> continues
(Feat. FCP)

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The desired change of pace was not the case

A giudizio del PD di Campobello di Licata ieri il Presidente della Provincia ed i Sindaci di Canicattì, Ravanusa, Licata, Camastra e Palma di Montechiario   hanno perso una buona occasione per rendere un migliore servizio ai propri cittadini cambiando pagina all’interno della Dedalo, nonostante la maggioranza dei Consigli comunali dell’ATO AG3 avevano dato indicazioni precise e puntuali.
Dicono che sono stati adottati alcuni punti inseriti negli ordini del giorno votati dai Consigli Comunali, anche se non è ancora chiaro quali siano questi punti, tutto ciò naturalmente è merito di quanti hanno condotto questa battaglia politica e tra essi il PD di Campobello di Licata.
Sicuramente i Sindaci di Canicattì e Palma di Montechiaro hanno disatteso i deliberati dei Consigli comunali e quello di Ravanusa della Conferenza dei Capigruppo nella parte relativa alla nomina del liquidatore.
C’era una alternativa forte e credibile, con ampia professionalità ed esperienza, che non si è materializzata perché quasi tutti, a partire dalla presenza determinante del Presidente della Provincia, che abitualmente non partecipa all’assemblea dei soci, erano d’accordo for reconfirmation of the President as the liquidator.
the end the only vote against was the Mayor of Campobello, while the Naro abstained.
Citizens should know that the administration so far has been in bankruptcy and was named to liquidate the company who has lined up yesterday to the office of President, will succeed in reversing the trend, being at the same time controller and controlled?
From neo Commissioner, to which we naturally wishes, we hope to carry out the directives of the Municipal Councils with the aim to make the company more transparent, to provide access to the acts of municipal councilors, shedding light on the securing of Campobello landfill and construction of the fourth tank, to reduce costs and achieve the objectives set by the collection legislation, as it would once again reach a serious violation of the law as well as a loss of revenue.
If this will make the PD of Campobello on your side because the main objective of our political action is to provide an efficient service to citizens, with a lowest possible cost and a better environment, own in the spirit of reform, the regional assembly voted with the decisive contribution of the Democratic Party.
Campobello di Licata, 28/1/2011
The PD of Campobello di Licata

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hannu Räbinä -generally

Not to forget!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Type Of Wigh Is Myammee Wearing

If this is a man

Primo Levi

You who live safe In your warm houses,
you who are returning in the evening
hot food and friendly faces: Consider if this is a

man who works in the mud

that knows no peace Who fights for a bread
dying for a yes or a no.
Consider if this is a woman with no hair and no name

no more strength to remember, Her eyes empty and her womb cold
like a frog in winter.
forget that this was:
Remember these words. Carve them in your heart

When at home because,
lying down, getting up.
Repeat them to your children. Or have you undone
the illness impede you, your
born twist their faces from you.

Capacity Exceeded, Sorry [input Stack Size=5000].

Another important act to change the A step AG3

few days ago, everything has been approved by the City Council of Campobello di Licata to address a very important document on the future management of waste management and to launch the liquidation of the Daedalus Environment.
The other day the City Council also approved a similar measure Canicattì address, endorsed by the Deputy Mayor, and yesterday evening the Town Council of Palma also expressed himself in this sense, a result not expected until a few days ago.
In fact, therefore, has already formed a majority on the whole of Daedalus, the net position of the Province which has 10% of the shares.
The three municipalities, in fact, account for 47.5% of the shareholding and if we add also the sharing of the document of the Conference of Group Leaders of the City of Ravanusa, we are more than 57%, not to mention City of Naro where certain directors of the majority and the opposition present during the proceedings of the City Council expressed their Campobello sharing the document.
For the first time, then, you can change the inside of the Daedalus reforming the management of waste, making the company more transparent and starting serious about recycling, the only possible way to reduce cost of waste already in the outcome this year.
Tomorrow we meet the shareholders' meeting of Daedalus for the appointment of the liquidator and approved the document stresses the need to appoint a liquidator who has a profile highly professional, with proven managerial and technical experience that poses position of absolute impartiality in respect to the various disputes between the municipality and the Environment Daedalus.
In this regard we urge the Province of Agrigento to abstain from voting, leaving the majority determined that the will of the Councils comunali, espressione principe della volontà popolare, dia un nuovo impulso alla società.
Come abbiamo ribadito più volte, è arrivato il momento che ciascuno si assuma le proprie responsabilità ed i Consigli comunali, che si sono riuniti in questi giorni, hanno dato prova di alto senso di responsabilità, sta ai Sindaci trasformare questa volontà in atti concreti.
Campobello di Licata, 26/1/2011
Il PD di Campobello di Licata

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gottahavebags Trustworthy

City Council this evening on Day Centre

Il Consiglio è stato convocato su richiesta dei consiglieri di maggioranza came into conflict with the municipal administration. We expect

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Clips Monica Roccaforte


[...] have been worked out tables for social security contributions of workers household sector, domestic workers and caregivers, to be valid for the year 2011.
this occasion to inform the workers the benefits from the fund domestic workers, the supplementary health care and opportunities for workers and for employers.
E 'is compulsory for employers in respect of the national collective agreement of domestic work to contribute to the Cash Maid to provide entitlement to benefits in the manner and within the limits established by regulation of the fund.
(Feat. FCP)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Prolapsed Bladder Lawyers


publish a copy of the Minutes of the meeting signed on 20.1.2011, the Ministry of Education, with which it is the extension of the June 30, 2011 school cleaning contracts already overdue, to the same economic and regulatory conditions

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Free Movie My Familyon The Beach

L’oggetto del desiderio

I was thinking for a while 'to move to a samrtphone, I looked around, I asked myself what I want.

useless I have a smartphone without using a data connection, sadly watching the various features, I find myself always on models of a certain cost, but at this point, if I like a cell that costs more than € 400. ... Because Do not look a bit 'further and to think seriously about' Object of Desire for excellence?

And here comes another argument: I buy it from an operator or application?

Rechargeable (with the freedom of spending) or subscription ( con un vincolo e una tassa governativa)?

Al via le visite ai negozi di telefonia sperando di trovare gente preparata…..

Ma per l’abbonamento richiedono SOLO l'addebito su carta di credito, o accettano anche conti correnti?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Genital Wart Look Alike


contracts, clear rules on labor costs and Safety The safety of workers should never be overshadowed in the private sector procurement. It focuses knows this principle the circular in Welfare Minister Maurizio Sacconi has announced the issue "in the coming days," speaking in the Senate yesterday morning, during the presentation of the second annual report of the Committee on Accident Investigation work. Il titolare del dicastero di via Veneto ha premesso che il provvedimento si baserà sul pieno rispetto degli obblighi di legge sul costo del lavoro e sugli investimenti per garantire la salute di chi presta la propria opera, in modo che «il massimo ribasso (il meccanismo per cui un'impresa si aggiudica un bando di gara in virtù della minor spesa preventivata, ndr) non possa comprimere» l'ottemperanza delle norme. Mentre, dunque, nel comparto privato si è resa necessaria una dura presa di posizione, in quello degli appalti pubblici la disciplina in vigore «appare in teoria completa e non consente la compressione dei costi». Scettico è il predecessore di Sacconi, l'ex ministro Cesare Damiano (Pd), secondo cui non sarà sufficiente una circolare interpretativa, poiché sono sotto i nostri occhi «ribassi così accentuati da risultare inferiori allo stesso costo dell'ora lavorata» e «questo vale per le aziende a controllo pubblico, come per le private». Inoltre, ha rimarcato Damiano, «un'efcace legislazione può aiutare a prevenire gli incidenti, che in molti casi si annidano nelle lunghe catene dei subappalti e coinvolgono anche imprenditori senza molti scrupoli». In attesa del testo ministeriale, però, i senatori hanno approvato all'unanimità una risoluzione che impegna il governo a completare in tempi brevi l'attuazione della riforma introdotta dal digs n. 81 del 2008 in materia di sicurezza sul lavoro. Primo firmatario del documento Oreste Tofani (PDL), chairman of the injuries, as he had anticipated on the eve of the examination of the Assembly of the Senate (see ItaliaOggi yesterday), pointed out the "differences and heterogeneity" of law enforcement in Italy and the problem of overlapping of responsibilities by local authorities control the media. Should be finally called, incentives and tax breaks for "reward honest businesses that invest in workplace safety."

Tarceva More Drug_warnings_recalls


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blood In Stool More Condition/symptoms


SCHOOL - Coming Soon to a ministerial directive to open the market, the old contracts subject to maturity
Someone claims to Viale Trastevere, with a little 'of malice, which this year end has also affected the absence of a Secretary to the economy of the rural south. Why the lack of necessary funding to renew, in terms of the decree to extend the year-end, the cleaning contracts to groups of former LSU creates major employment problems in particular, in some southern regions: Campania, Sicily, Sardinia. It is expected that during the parliamentary process for conversion to the law of the dl will be many amendments and lobbying for ripristinare la proroga. Ma la scelta fatta dal ministero dell'economia di non dare più spazio alla prosecuzione dei contratti in vigore, e di aprire al mercato, pare definitiva. Tanto che il ministero dell'istruzione, secondo quanto risulta a ItaliaOggi, sta già provando a correre ai ripari, d'intesa con il ministero del lavoro. Per evitare che da questo mese scoppi un nuovo caso occupazionale, con il licenziamento di migliaia di lavoratori, quelli che hanno finora lavorato proprio grazie al rinnovo automatico dei contratti di pulizie: erano circa 25 mila dieci anni fa, oggi sono la metà. Una montagna di pratiche di cassa integrazione per il ministro del lavoro, Maurizio Sacconi. Una ordinanza ministeriale, allo studio di viale Trastevere, detta the rules for the new races that schools should hold cleaning, but also says that, pending completion of procedures, presumably for the new school year 2011/2012, will be continued until the natural expiration of old contracts. Prorogatio In return, employers will have to withdraw if they have not already done so, the letters of dismissal from already made in recent days. In short, this is a temporary solution, can act with ministerial and thanks to advances of funds from the education budget. Although in view the problem of finding an ad hoc coverage arises and Gelmini is determined not to take responsibility by itself is a problem that has social significance and involves other departments. So a change of legislation, perhaps in different measure from Milleproroghe, it will still be done. The ball always comes back so to Economics.
(Feat. IO)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Imagecore Doujin Game


us on 16 December took place in the negotiations for the renewal of restricted CCNL Cleaning Services and Integrated Services / Multiservice, during the meeting were retraced the positions of the parties and the party has stressed the need for further in another meeting with the Ministry of Labour to work on the issue on the rules in this regard, already last week, we proceeded to ask the Ministry further meeting of Labour Party. Unions at the meeting as a unit we delivered the draft articles on the correct application of the parameter 115, we are also committed to provide an essay on the bargaining level 2. After the talks, while expressing regret that a strong 12 months after the expiry of the Negotiable no agreement is reached, however it was agreed to update the treaty to this day:
  • Thursday, January 20, 2011 negotiations in restricted
  • Friday, January 21, 2011 in plenary talks
(Feat. FCP)

High Hemoglobin In Dog


After the minutes of the meeting signed on 21 December last year with the Ministry of Education and with the participation of the Director General of the economic resources of the Ministry, together with Dr. Biondi Dr. Chiappetta which gave course during the meeting to all the possible insurance contract extensions, in our opinion the procedures for collective redundancies triggered by the companies were withdrawn.

During the meeting with the companies in the Annex, there was still resistance from the consortia and companies to withdraw the proceedings.
In order to allow verification general between the consortia and companies that will happen during the next week we have accepted a proposal to postpone the technical procedures of the day January 12, 2011.

Please note that with the consortia has been clarified that companies have proceeded to send letters of dismissal with effect from 31/12/2010 if you do not withdraw, in place of the consortia with other companies who will take charge of the workers already January 1, 2011. We will keep you updated on developments in the dispute and in the meantime we encourage you to verify that the behavior of firms and individual educational direction is consistent with the agreements reached.

(Feat. FCP)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Small Estate Affidavit Fl


Buon Anno a chi si trova ancora a passare di qui.

Le feste sono terminate e domani si ricomincia col solito tran-tran quotidiano, ricordandoci di dover scrivere un nuovo anno nella data.

quest’anno esclamo quasi: meno male che son finite!, peccato però che quest’anno avessi una settimana di ferie che mi è scivolata via dalle mani…..vero mi sono Riposata, facendo nulla per gran parte del tempo, godendomi il tempo da sprecare….tanto che mi son dimenticata di ritirare l’agenda in banca ( mi avevano chiamata) e la giacca da moto riparata.

e domani si ricomincia a lavorare….ma perché non vinco al superenalotto??????

un abbraccio ai superstiti di queste feste!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Best Lolıta Sıtes


The note is attached to inform you that, pending completion of the tendering process to be completed by June 30 next year, is the signature of the Minister for a directive to schools to extend contracts for the provision of cleaning services until that time.

It therefore mitigates the situation for the staff affected by redundancy procedures and the schools that were in danger of seeing more guaranteed in any way an essential service ...
not forget that as the outsourcing of services has led to a severe reduction in the workforce profile of the ATA school collaboration.

After the minutes of the meeting signed on 21 December last year with the Ministry of Education and with the participation of the Director General of the economic resources of the Ministry, together with Dr. Biondi Dr. Chiappetta which gave way during the meeting all possible insurance extension contracts, in our opinion the procedures for collective redundancies triggered by the companies were withdrawn.

During the meeting with the companies in the U.S. on December 30 ofwhich Annex 2, there was still resistance from the consortia and companies to withdraw the proceedings. Furthermore, with the consortia has been clarified that companies which have held send letters of dismissal with effect from 31.12.2010 if you do not withdraw, in place of the consortia with other companies who will take charge of the workers since January 1, 2011 .

A story that is still, however, as you can see, it shows all the limits on both side of the workers involved than on the school service, given the known behavior of the "Agents" owners of labor relations staff that former LSU squeeze lemons as workers and not carrying out any of their replacement in case of retirement, illness or other, even recognizing extraordinary or increasing the hours of work for many part-time ....

(Feat. FC)