Someone claims to Viale Trastevere, with a little 'of malice, which this year end has also affected the absence of a Secretary to the economy of the rural south. Why the lack of necessary funding to renew, in terms of the decree to extend the year-end, the cleaning contracts to groups of former LSU creates major employment problems in particular, in some southern regions: Campania, Sicily, Sardinia. It is expected that during the parliamentary process for conversion to the law of the dl will be many amendments and lobbying for ripristinare la proroga. Ma la scelta fatta dal ministero dell'economia di non dare più spazio alla prosecuzione dei contratti in vigore, e di aprire al mercato, pare definitiva. Tanto che il ministero dell'istruzione, secondo quanto risulta a ItaliaOggi, sta già provando a correre ai ripari, d'intesa con il ministero del lavoro. Per evitare che da questo mese scoppi un nuovo caso occupazionale, con il licenziamento di migliaia di lavoratori, quelli che hanno finora lavorato proprio grazie al rinnovo automatico dei contratti di pulizie: erano circa 25 mila dieci anni fa, oggi sono la metà. Una montagna di pratiche di cassa integrazione per il ministro del lavoro, Maurizio Sacconi. Una ordinanza ministeriale, allo studio di viale Trastevere, detta the rules for the new races that schools should hold cleaning, but also says that, pending completion of procedures, presumably for the new school year 2011/2012, will be continued until the natural expiration of old contracts. Prorogatio In return, employers will have to withdraw if they have not already done so, the letters of dismissal from already made in recent days. In short, this is a temporary solution, can act with ministerial and thanks to advances of funds from the education budget. Although in view the problem of finding an ad hoc coverage arises and Gelmini is determined not to take responsibility by itself is a problem that has social significance and involves other departments. So a change of legislation, perhaps in different measure from Milleproroghe, it will still be done. The ball always comes back so to Economics.
(Feat. IO)
(Feat. IO)
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