Over 26,000 jobs are at risk in the cleaning sector since July of this year already, not to mention the dangerous effects on levels of hygiene, the maintenance and security of schools. And 'this morning launched the complaint, during a joint press conference, the employers' associations LegacoopServizi, Federlavoro-CONFCOOPERATIVE and FISEAnip / Confindustria and the trade unions of workers in the sector Filcams-CGIL, CISL and Fisascat-Uiltrasporti-UIL.
"We express strong regret", they explain the associations, "for not meeting convened by the Ministry of Education, with the trade unions and employers' organizations, to coordinate and define the best solutions for the future of several thousand workers involved outsourced services in the cleaning of schools, whose contracts are expiring. We are also concerned about new management methods and contents of the tender, which among other things, according to the Directive of the Ministry of Education, would be directly assigned to individual schools without a social clause to protect workers. "
" For these reasons, "the organizations said" we demand an immediate call to remedy the confusion and legal office to ensure the employment relationships of employees.
The meeting between the parties, initially scheduling for the last week with the Secretary and the Director General Giuseppe Pizza Marco Ugo Filisetti, was removed and, at present, there are no new dates for the necessary comparison.
Last January 20 - say the organizations - the Ministry has granted an extension to June 30, 2011 for the continuation, under the same conditions of contracts for workers of school cleaning contracts through the so-called "Contracts History" and former LSU, already overdue. "
"It is still concern about what will happen starting next July 1 - continue - given the significant resource cuts agreed on outsourced services, as confirmed by the Ministry, which raises fears for jobs and income for thousands and thousands of workers and workers, as well as result in serious risks to the quality of services and thus for the health and safety in school environments for teachers and students. "
"A complicated situation - say - which also adds to the possible chaos that could result in the Directive of the Minister Gelmini, in which, inter alia, defines the criteria for future tenders. According to the measure, in a provisional stage of at least one year, are given the opportunity to individual schools to make their own territorial acquisition of such services, as well as setting that does not guarantee the current quality standards is in stark contrast to the legislation national community, in this case in compliance with the rules of legislative unique procurement law 163/2006 and in particular Article. 13 of law 136/2010, which, under the special plan against the Mafia, gives precise instructions for the reduction and the classification of the awarding entities and not to the contrary, as the Directive recalled. "
"If in the next few days - say the letters - do not work the necessary explanations and appropriate solutions to the problems reported, there will be very difficult to manage two things: Will the real occupational hazard for thousands of workers and employees and, consequently, will be inevitable mobilizations of workers through their trade unions. "
" It is therefore necessary - concludes the organizations - which empowers the Minister Gelmini is to enable a true national table that can face the present difficulties and can provide the answers to the protection of the interests of families, pupils and teachers to safeguard employment and income of workers. "
"We express strong regret", they explain the associations, "for not meeting convened by the Ministry of Education, with the trade unions and employers' organizations, to coordinate and define the best solutions for the future of several thousand workers involved outsourced services in the cleaning of schools, whose contracts are expiring. We are also concerned about new management methods and contents of the tender, which among other things, according to the Directive of the Ministry of Education, would be directly assigned to individual schools without a social clause to protect workers. "
" For these reasons, "the organizations said" we demand an immediate call to remedy the confusion and legal office to ensure the employment relationships of employees.
The meeting between the parties, initially scheduling for the last week with the Secretary and the Director General Giuseppe Pizza Marco Ugo Filisetti, was removed and, at present, there are no new dates for the necessary comparison.
Last January 20 - say the organizations - the Ministry has granted an extension to June 30, 2011 for the continuation, under the same conditions of contracts for workers of school cleaning contracts through the so-called "Contracts History" and former LSU, already overdue. "
"It is still concern about what will happen starting next July 1 - continue - given the significant resource cuts agreed on outsourced services, as confirmed by the Ministry, which raises fears for jobs and income for thousands and thousands of workers and workers, as well as result in serious risks to the quality of services and thus for the health and safety in school environments for teachers and students. "
"A complicated situation - say - which also adds to the possible chaos that could result in the Directive of the Minister Gelmini, in which, inter alia, defines the criteria for future tenders. According to the measure, in a provisional stage of at least one year, are given the opportunity to individual schools to make their own territorial acquisition of such services, as well as setting that does not guarantee the current quality standards is in stark contrast to the legislation national community, in this case in compliance with the rules of legislative unique procurement law 163/2006 and in particular Article. 13 of law 136/2010, which, under the special plan against the Mafia, gives precise instructions for the reduction and the classification of the awarding entities and not to the contrary, as the Directive recalled. "
"If in the next few days - say the letters - do not work the necessary explanations and appropriate solutions to the problems reported, there will be very difficult to manage two things: Will the real occupational hazard for thousands of workers and employees and, consequently, will be inevitable mobilizations of workers through their trade unions. "
" It is therefore necessary - concludes the organizations - which empowers the Minister Gelmini is to enable a true national table that can face the present difficulties and can provide the answers to the protection of the interests of families, pupils and teachers to safeguard employment and income of workers. "
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