Thursday, December 30, 2010
I Dream Of Jeannie Paraphernalia
Congratulations About Marriage
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Serie Eplan P8 1.9.10
cit.: va rispettata la persona che ritiene di poter essere tenuta in vita artificialmente, allo stesso modo va rispettata la persona che ritiene di non poter accettare una vita priva di relazioni with the outside world (Supreme Court)
, & # 160; ; ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
this principle should especially get these so-called pro life, for respect for life means respect people, all people.
these are just fanatics and extremists should be treated as such.
them ... nothing different from terrorists, extremists also.
there is violence in their actions and lack of respect for each other, as well as in the actions of terrorists.
I am in favor of euthanasia, this does not mean I wish that every human being in vegetative state pulled the plug. I DO NOT DECIDE FOR VOLGA LGI OTHERS, I want to decide for myself, I want to be free to decide for myself I want to be free to respect the decision of the people dear to me.
in contrast with the extremists who pretend to decide for me, limiting my freedom, do not respect my life!
who is in favor of euthanasia is certainly more of these TERRORISTS CIVIL
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Xtreme-curves Leigh Free
This morning, walking on the beach, I found this carcass of an unidentified fish.
The thought went about a year ago, when seven specimens of sperm whales is Arren on the beach.
The hope is that one copy died a natural death.

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Design Tech Deck Online

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Galeria Kate Playground

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What Does A Chalice Look Like

When those famous primary October 14 marks the birth of the official PD, our aseptic were enormous. They used different terminology code ethical renewal, shares rose, participation, primary cumulation of positions, in other words the same time that Obama was to dream another policy for Italy.
A few years after not deny that many expectations have been reduced, especially at local and provincial levels.
I am very disappointed and I find it hard to understand why the last regional elections in the Cons. Municipal Damiano Totaro and his staf did vote for the PD and the Cons. Regional Dino Marino.
So I wonder, what credibility can have this PD?
How is it that you necessarily have to scrape the bottom?
How can we have credibility if in Monte Sant'Angelo now patched administration relies on these political interest which "necessary" is voted the regional advisor representative.
E 'in normal campaign Dino Marino is in his election committee in Monte-Approval Totaro and completely snubbing the club citizen?
We demand the vote for genuine Pasquale Palumbo and manage their public affairs.
And that's why a few months ago I resigned from the leadership of the local PD.
Who protects our face and our credibility?
What does the provincial secretary of what is happening?
Then, the PD or appropriates the terminology made of values \u200b\u200band content, we try to fulfill the role of party unity, compact or this election committee will be doomed to failure.
Many times I have asked to officially distance themselves from this way of doing, processors and ECISIONS taken elsewhere, many times I put my face, but now you change or step, or are we as the PDL.
We need to find form and soatanza. Ways of being and doing.
methods and not just means to achieve political office.
With this, however, do not give up now, do not give up on what we have already built. There is still much to do.
I know that it takes time, but history will prove us right.
Antonio Rigney
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I read here the statements of carfogn:
"There is an issue that falls within the Programme for Government, so I doubt there will be a comparison on a issue such as this, since there are other items on the agenda that have been identified as a priority especially in a complex and delicate phase that our country is facing. Personally I welcome the recognition of all those rights which the categories of discrimination can not fully enjoy. I do not support the recognition of same-sex couples. You can not equate the two things that are obviously different "
but is it possible? Realizes what he says?
" I am personally in favor of the recognition of all those rights to which the groups facing discrimination can not fully enjoy "and then" I do not support the recognition same-sex couples "...
may not be able to realize what he says because same-sex couples have a category (say so) discriminated ... bah!
*: from Latin verb " in deficit" means failure, and the participle "deficient": a person who lacks
Cartoon Mental Health Clipart
outputs usually do not blatant, but a few weeks ago, at the request of a friend family, but the boyfriend, you, anything? and I said, I really am engaged to a woman for 5 years:)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Planters Warts On Your Lip
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Dragon Ball Ots Duzy Exp Pod 7.6
A comedy of American ones, ninete that, but .... is a film that is never boring to watch, indeed. Whenever they give me pleasure to see, because it tells many little truth, a few moments experienced some tenderness, some embarrassment ... situaizoni and fun.
one of the most beautiful, perhaps the discussion under the porch with her mother: what it means to be parents!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Computationalballistics Ii
(unfortunately I can not play the video here, you have to click)
It 's a bit that echo in my mind this song, sung by Mannoia:
the importance of not stop dreaming, qulacosa we carry small ...
growing dreams change, sognavao 30 years ago to have my personal radio, I dreamed of growing up, I dreamed of being happy ...
today I keep dreaming of exercising happy, but happiness when the build, do not you gives none.
years ago I imagined that I would have dreamed of a world for my children ... then I wanted to have children ... now I wonder how it would be to have children ... I quit di sognare, di sognare questo sogno.
ma non smetto di sognare un mondo dove poter essere me stessa, un paese dove camminare mano nella mano con S. non comporti il rischio di essere massacrata di botte; un paese dove posso legittimare la mia relaizone, dove la tutela della mia compagna sia una normalità.
Sogno che venga riconosciuta la MIA Familgia alla pari della famiglia delle mie amiche. E' un mio DIRITTO!!!
Nella mia vita quotidiana non cambierà nulla, continuerò ad amare allo stesso modo S, continuerò a litigarci, continueremo ad andare al cinema, a cena fuori, a fare l'amore. Ma nel mio rapporto ocn lo stato, cambieranno i nostri diritti: cittadini UGUALI agli altri cittadini.
cosa può togliere il riconoscimento della mia famiglia alla famiglia della mia amicha che ha un marito e 2 figli?
qualcuno me lo spieghi, perhcè io proprio non ci arrivo.
E quindi continuo a sognare un mondo migliore...
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Maxine Cartoon On Health Care
the Mayor dr. Andrea Ciliberti
TOWN Monte Sant'Angelo
The UDAS of Monte Sant'Angelo in accordance with the provisions of Art. 16 of the agreement with the City Council March 29, 2007 presents the final report management of the financial for the years 2007 to 2008 - 2009 and 1st half of 2010.
The Union of Associations has acted to ensure, during the entrusted management of sports facilities, all of the goals expressed by the administration of the municipality of Monte Sant'Angelo, contributing significantly to the promotion and the dissemination of sporting activities, enhancing all the different types of associations active in sports in the area, in cooperation with the users of the facilities in accordance with a management that you can certainly define owned .
In April 2007, signed the Convention, the UDAS took into custody the same sports and took charge to make significant improvements in the structures that have made more 'the functional sports themselves:
· BOUGHT N. 7 BENCHES and spread in all the locker room facilities including those entrusted Multipurpose Hall of the Gymnasium.
· PURCHASED mirrors, and put on a pose, to improve the functionality of the changing rooms of the 2nd multi gym (located to the road 58) and Soccer Fields .
· PURCHASED No.4 boiler for football pitches so that the simultaneous operation of two boilers for single dressing solve the chronic shortage of hot water discomfort to the team immediately following the previous year.
· BOUGHT DOORS soccer for Municipal Gym Multipurpose who are still on site.
· BOUGHT Networks for Ports Multipurpose Gymnasium Hall, the 2nd multi gym, the Sports Field and Field Calcetto (zona cimitero) che sono tuttora in loco.
· MESSA IN POSA della protezione antiurto agli spigoli delle colonne della 2° Palestra Polivalente sita alla strada 58
· INTERVENTI DI MANUTENZIONE ELETTRICA con sostituzione a norma di tutte le prese elettriche della 2° Palestra Polivalente sita alla Strada 58
· MAINTENANCE VARIOUS: replacement arms showers, repair and replacement of bathroom drains of tubs, welds and repairs in several different plants, cleaning the sewage channels Soccer Fields (cemetery area) various interventions in the local boiler repair, periodic, as far as possible, network maintenance fencing football fields, etc..
· All associations that Federal League had access to facilities as required by competition and training when they have time slots appropriate to their needs competitive.
· In recent years, has been granted, with regular service, custodial, although there were no mandatory commitment , the periodic Sunday use of Municipal Stadium dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 11.00 alla Associazione “ Amici del Campo Sportivo ” per incontri di calcio amatoriale fra over 35.
· ISTITUZIONE FASCIA SERALE: prolungamento, per la 2° Palestra Polivalente, della fascia oraria fino alle ore 22.00 di tutti i giorni feriali, aumentando di fatto il numero di ore fruibili dell’impianto sportivo, dando così una risposta positiva alle numerose richieste degli utenti lavoratori.
· Si è dato il giusto spazio, praticamente a livello gratuito , alle scuole e/o Parrocchie che hanno fatto richiesta di utilizzo sia della 2° Palestra Polivalente che del Campo Sportivo ( vedi Parrocchia Immacolata – Torneo studentesco e/o interparrocchiale)
· Garantita l’apertura e chiusura nei giorni feriali e festivi del Parco Giochi annesso ai Campi Calcetto (zona Cimitero) anche in periodi e orari non coincidenti con l’utilizzo di quest’ultimi.
· Dall’anno 2008 l’ UDAS ha garantito l’ UTILIZZO INVERNALE dei Campi Calcetto (zona Cimitero), anche su singola richiesta, alle Associazioni, e/o gruppi sportivi e amatoriali vari che effettuano, anche telefonicamente, la richiesta di prenotazione
· Since 2009, in order to facilitate the uptake of other sports, has been granted, with regular service, custodial, virtually at free n.2 hours per week can also use the 2nd Sunday of the multipurpose gym located at the Route 58 Association TENNIS INITIATIVE of Monte Sant'Angelo.
· Since 2009, the 'UDAS has guaranteed the' SUMMER USE the 2nd Gym Versatile, also single request, associations and / or amateur sports teams and various performing, by telephone, the booking request.
The UDAS availed itself of the availability of volunteers and members, who deserve our thanks, a spirit of service that have ensured hygiene, cleanliness Routine daily and scheduled, the minor maintenance and decoration of the premises, supervision and in particular the respect of opening and closing not without due flexibility organization.
A confirmation of the above is attached drawings Results obtained from Questionnaire - Monitoring the quality of service made between all the heads of the associations that use the multipurpose gym located at the 2nd Route 58.
The Association has taken charge of complaints and suggestions received taking appropriate countermeasures.
A guarantee of security have been put in place all the preventive actions necessary to minimize the number of injuries during sports activities and enjoyment of the premises.
The UDAS proceeded to take out insurance policies as required in Art. 8 of the Convention.
The economic management , aiming to self plants, had an active budget.
ensure the sound management of expenses, revenues have covered all the exits, have paid the annual fees Convention and utilities fixed.
Article. 16, paragraph 4 of the Convention, please refer to the Financial Statements 2007 - 2008 - 2009 and 1 st half of 2010, which are expressed in the detailed exposition of the various chapters of income and expenditure.
La nostra valutazione “oggettiva” ci induce ad essere realisticamente consapevoli, pur nell’impegno profuso , di non aver raggiunto il massimo nella conduzione degli impianti sportivi assegnati, tuttavia siamo, con ragionevole presunzione, convinti di aver offerto alla comunità un servizio più che soddisfacente su cui impostare le basi per un nuovo programma di miglioramento e di ammodernamento per coloro che avranno la futura gestione, sia essa Comunale o Privata , degli Impianti Sportivi.
Quanto sopra esposto, avendo una informata e reale conoscenza di quanto realizzato , Will make the right, appropriate and constructive criticism on our work for what you could give more to citizenship; criticism, no doubt, will be the starting point of the new management.
Prof. Anthony Rigney
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
How Do You Get Cubefield On Usb
Li abbiamo fatti in fretta, pensavo ci sarebbe voluto più tempo, complice un viaggetto di lavoro a Lodi che in un giorno ci ha fatto fare la metà del traguardo.
Impressioni: non male....alla fine ho lasciato perdere la ricerca di a saddle used to be slashed, and - as was the case with Ice - with time no longer seems so high ... even if sometimes qualhce cm more would not hurt.
I'm not one for high speeds, then, also because of the break, we did not go over 5500 rpm, which corresponds, in the sixth, about 110km/h...solo one occasion we have exceeded the 6000 reaching the 140 ... of course a whole other way to go, compared to Ice: This one has semicarenina that seems anything but - with the driving position - it makes you affonrtare the wind in very different ways.
lasica the next vote we'll see you go a little more ....
yesterday ho prenotato il tagliando, il primo, e mi han già detto di quanto sarà il salasso 125 euro per controllare il serraggio delle viti e cambiare l'olio....non oso immaginare qunaot mi costerà quello dei 6000km, allora....
tornando a me e Foggy:guidarla è cmq un piacere, io sono un po impaccait anel traffico, ma ogni giorno vedo che aumenta il feeling e riusciamo a muoverci più in sintonia così da diventare, inseime, più agili...non male come sensazione.
risponde in fretta, e forse è pure più veoloce di me, ma mi perdona meno il non aver scalato la marcia, Ice in questo era più clemente....
a volte però mi sembra di guidare a tractor, maybe it will be a helmet, or just the original muffler, but the noise seems to me that I get is always different, less aggressive than that of the bikes crossing the street ...
the clutch in city driving tired in the long run ... but I think for the position posted on seminanubri ... but this is also the same location - eg RME that is a midget and then curtain - which increases the contact with the bike .... and really seems to be a whole ....
in Lodi, for the first trip there ... I put the top box is ugly, but not being able to make good use of the tank bag (altirmenti the roof where I put them?) And pending the borse laterali...abbiamo fatto una prova: non ci piace, ma in casi estremi ci si può viaggiare.
nota dolente direi i consumi: in città arrivo a malapena a 14km con un litro...e pensare che con Ice in città - setto psercorso - cene facevo 25!!!! fuori città i consumi scendono di molto....non ho preso appunti, ma posso dire che in città a 150km al max si accende la viaggio ( autostrada) a 190 ho fatto il pieno e la riserva non si era ancora accesa.... credo che in autostrada siamo arrivati a 27km/lt...non la vivessi solo per viaggiare, ma poichè l'utilizzo maggiore è quotidiano in città....beve troppo....anche se ho notato che da quando l'ho acquistata il consumo has gradually come down ... maybe it's just improved my best to drive it yet .... I hope so!

Friday, June 18, 2010
What Are The Ingredients In Prolexis
I premi sono detraibili anche se versati nell'interesse di familiari fiscalmente a carico.
Ai sensi dell’articolo 15, comma 2, del Tuir, la detrazione per i premi assicurativi spetta anche nel caso in cui il familiare fiscalmente a carico del contribuente risulti sia come contraente del contratto di assicurazione che come assicurato, posto che, anche in tal caso, l’onere economico è sopportato dal contribuente (Circolare n. 17 del 18/05/2006).
L’importo non deve superare complessivamente euro 1.291,14.
Vanno ricompresi anche i premi di assicurazione indicati con il codice 12 nelle annotazioni del CUD.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Catching A Kidney Stone

eyes verdi,
occhi neri,
occhi che parlano,
che sorridono,
che piangono,
che comunicano…
Gli occhi dei bambini,
dei “nostri” bambini
che chiedono di essere ascoltati,
di essere amati,
di essere capiti…
we have not always succeeded,
but how can we forget
your watchful eye,
angry, smiling, innocent.
Your smiles have welcomed our days, your lively guide encouraged us in the path of growth, your progress impressed us, your fears, your silence us worried, and your tears have made us realize how important you listen to children.
Five years have passed ... So many ... So few, so full of emotions shared.
In greeting that we can not encourage you to "never give up" the face of difficulties and to say thank you for giving us those eyes that sparks will be always on our minds and our hearts!
Good life by your teachers.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Scottsdale Az Central Appraisal District
taxpayers with a number of children less than or equal to three | Theoretical Deduction Amount (to be related to the number of months and percentage) |
children under 3 years | 900.00 |
children aged greater than or equal to 3 years | 800,00 |
Figlio di età inferiore a 3 anni portatore di handicap | 1.120,00 (900,00 + 220,00) |
Figlio di età superiore o uguale a 3 anni portatore di handicap | 1.020,00 (800,00 + 220,00) |
Contribuente con un numero di figli superiore a tre | Importo Detrazione Teorica (da rapportare al numero di mesi ed alla percentuale) |
Figlio di età inferiore a 3 anni | 1.100,00 (900,00 + 200,00) |
Figlio di età superiore o uguale a 3 anni | 1,000.00 (800.00 + 200.00) |
children under 3 years old handicapped | 1320.00 (900.00 + 220.00 + 200.00) |
children aged greater than or equal to 3 years handicapped | 1220.00 (800.00 + 220.00 + 200.00) |