During the education of their children, parents are not always present in the same way.
E 'symptomatic noted that the distance between parents and children is increasing over the years.
While it is normal to accelerate the normal process of emancipation of the children, let them stand on their own two feet, at the same time is not acceptable to leave to their fate the "stories" of children.
meeting yesterday of the parents of my son's class, 2nd High School, about 27 students (say 27 ...) there were three sets of parents and other mothers in rapprsentanza total of 8 students.
8 out of 27 are, in my view, very few.
The "proxy-white" at the school I do not like. And not to perform the task that the troubled, mistrattati teachers.
Especially at this stage of pseudo reforms that result in cuts.
The school needs of families as well partecipazine cme families need the school.
I wonder how it is possible that in the early years of primary school attendance is constant, steady flows that sometimes even nell'invadenza inappropriate, but then go away with time dwindling to a neglect this obvious?
nell'adoloscenza Is not it would be more appropriate to be there?
In 16-17 years our children begin to gain consciousness of their personality, incminciano the first serious love affairs, the first aspirations, are beginning to reveal the first image of an adult ego.
So why not be present, certainly not swallow without forcing choices, but ask, inquire and discuss, listen and propose ...
Perhaps these reflections naturally arising from my dual role as an educator and parent.
Perhaps these reflections do not provide useful recipes for all situations, but I think no one can dispense with to accomplish its task of parents from the beginning until it should be a parent.
Then we meet and grandparents will be bad to ask you could do better.
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