When those famous primary October 14 marks the birth of the official PD, our aseptic were enormous. They used different terminology code ethical renewal, shares rose, participation, primary cumulation of positions, in other words the same time that Obama was to dream another policy for Italy.
A few years after not deny that many expectations have been reduced, especially at local and provincial levels.
I am very disappointed and I find it hard to understand why the last regional elections in the Cons. Municipal Damiano Totaro and his staf did vote for the PD and the Cons. Regional Dino Marino.
So I wonder, what credibility can have this PD?
How is it that you necessarily have to scrape the bottom?
How can we have credibility if in Monte Sant'Angelo now patched administration relies on these political interest which "necessary" is voted the regional advisor representative.
E 'in normal campaign Dino Marino is in his election committee in Monte-Approval Totaro and completely snubbing the club citizen?
We demand the vote for genuine Pasquale Palumbo and manage their public affairs.
And that's why a few months ago I resigned from the leadership of the local PD.
Who protects our face and our credibility?
What does the provincial secretary of what is happening?
Then, the PD or appropriates the terminology made of values \u200b\u200band content, we try to fulfill the role of party unity, compact or this election committee will be doomed to failure.
Many times I have asked to officially distance themselves from this way of doing, processors and ECISIONS taken elsewhere, many times I put my face, but now you change or step, or are we as the PDL.
We need to find form and soatanza. Ways of being and doing.
methods and not just means to achieve political office.
With this, however, do not give up now, do not give up on what we have already built. There is still much to do.
I know that it takes time, but history will prove us right.
Antonio Rigney
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