At month after the lessons are still many problems to solve. In addition to establishing that the school bus traveling with empty seats.
This year we experienced delays in the delivery of textbooks in primary schools.
A month later, won a tender for months, even entire schools expect to receive textbooks.
Because I believe, from experience, that in the contract tendering there are arbitration clauses that require certain guarantees and delivery times, I wonder if the Councillor for Culture of the City of Mount Sant'Angerlo is aware of these inefficiency.
At the same time, even considering all the extenuating circumstances of good faith, how is it that those responsible for municipal offices in the economic and culture do not take initiative to ensure the legality?
Until a few years ago each student brought his coupon to the bookseller of trust, which also guaranteed delivery before school text. The responsibility was direct and obvious.
probably intended by the new management system had to be better, but if we can not guarantee all pupils, one month later, the book then something is wrong.
I hope that those of competence take appropriate measures to protect the rights of students!
I understand also that the delivery of good books for needy families proceed with delay.
will be cuts of dark Tremonti or inefficiencies of our Administration, however it is sad to see that it goes from bad to worse!