Ieri il Consigliere comunale Giuseppe Sferrazza nella qualità di Capogruppo del PD al Consiglio comunale di Campobello di Licata ha inviato una lettera al Sindaco per sollecitare una riunione sulla possibile riapertura delle piscina che deve essere preceduta da una relazione che ricostruisca, dall’affidamento fino allo scorso 28 febbraio, i costi ed i ricavi della piscina, con le relative presenze giornaliere e gli incassi. All this is to verify the technical and economic conditions for the reopening of the pool as soon as possible. At the same time you need to find some solutions to reduce costs, such as the installation of a photovoltaic system for the production of hot water and energy.
Mayor was asked to also check the possibility of creating new niches with the cemetery yard work, but not with the financial resources of the municipality, in place of the instrument identified in the project financing in order to make the workers work moderation and local prices on financial niches.
Finally, the letter has been underlined the need to prepare a project for the Day Centre to be submitted to the Regional Healthcare, to head of Family and ASP Agrigento asking for an extraordinary contribution and the need to amend the local plan to address 2010/2012 part of the financial resources identified for the centers of socialization of 800 000 € to Day Centre.
The full text of the letter will be published on the website:
Campobello di Licata, 9/3/2011
The parent company of PD Campobello di Licata
Joseph Sferrazza
Prot 3207 8 / 3 / 2011
the Mayor of Campobello di Licata
Subject: Request for meeting pool of Campobello, and various proposals on the construction of new premises and the Day Centre.
Joseph Sferrazza, the undersigned, as a leader of the PD of Campobello di Licata asks for a meeting on the possible reopening of the pool of Campobello to be held with relevant officials at the branch, preceded by a report which shows, by 'custody until 28 February this year, admissions and daily cash receipts, detailed by type of service, and costs incurred in the operation of the pool, also divided by type, in order to verify the technical and economic conditions for the reopening of the pool as soon as possible. Likewise, it is necessary to check all the technical conditions for the implementation of measures that would reduce some operating costs such as the placement of a photovoltaic system for water heating and electricity supply.
the undersigned, having seen the Statutory Decree No. 13 of 03.03.2001 with the appointment of the Sole of the procedure for the creation of new niches in the cemetery through the institution of the project finance, or by injection of private capital, "because of financial constraints of public bodies' calls in advance of knowing how many niches to be implemented and development costs as well as a studio where it is assumed the construction of niches in the economy through the experience of shipyards municipal work.
To this end, in fact, was established by Determination No. 1 of 01.14.2011, the management structure of project-service work sites for the unemployed "which could also be used for any worksite be implemented with local funds such as the construction of cemetery vaults.
This would make better use of human resources in the project structure and work to provide answers, albeit temporary, for the unemployed in the area.
With regard to financial resources as the city up the cash for the granting of niches not repent particular burden on municipal coffers in any event so the study mentioned above could explain all the technical, economic and financial of the story.
Finally, as mentioned several times is necessary to develop a project for the Day Centre to be submitted to the Regional Health, all’Assessorato regionale alla famiglia, nonché all’ASP di Agrigento per chiedere un contributo straordinario oltre al fatto che andrebbe rivisitata la direttiva n.2 del 3/2/2001 dall’assemblea dei Sindaci del distretto socio-sanitario D3 in cui si è deciso di rendere fruibili alla cittadinanza tutte le azioni del Piano di Zona del triennio 2010/2012 nonché per il Comune di Campobello di Licata i progetti di centri di socializzazione per un ammontare di € 862.090,00, mentre per altri Comuni come ad esempio Ravanusa tali risorse sono state destinate all’assistenza domiciliare anziani e disabili per 300 mila euro e Grotte per il trasporto disabili presso centri di riabilitazione per 201 mila euro. A giudizio del signed part of these financial resources could be directed to the Day Centre should be investigated besides the fact that the relevance of the directive is adopted and the plan area and the district budget for the years 2010/2012 approved by resolution of the City Council n.35 16/10/2009.
Campobello di Licata, 8/3/2011
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