Thursday, March 10, 2011
Kate Playground Outdore
Request for meeting the Mayor of the pool and other activities (day care center and cemetery burial niches)
Letter of the Board of the Democratic Party
Ieri il Consigliere comunale Giuseppe Sferrazza nella qualità di Capogruppo del PD al Consiglio comunale di Campobello di Licata ha inviato una lettera al Sindaco per sollecitare una riunione sulla possibile riapertura delle piscina che deve essere preceduta da una relazione che ricostruisca, dall’affidamento fino allo scorso 28 febbraio, i costi ed i ricavi della piscina, con le relative presenze giornaliere e gli incassi. All this is to verify the technical and economic conditions for the reopening of the pool as soon as possible. At the same time you need to find some solutions to reduce costs, such as the installation of a photovoltaic system for the production of hot water and energy.
Mayor was asked to also check the possibility of creating new niches with the cemetery yard work, but not with the financial resources of the municipality, in place of the instrument identified in the project financing in order to make the workers work moderation and local prices on financial niches.
Finally, the letter has been underlined the need to prepare a project for the Day Centre to be submitted to the Regional Healthcare, to head of Family and ASP Agrigento asking for an extraordinary contribution and the need to amend the local plan to address 2010/2012 part of the financial resources identified for the centers of socialization of 800 000 € to Day Centre.
The full text of the letter will be published on the website:
Campobello di Licata, 9/3/2011
The parent company of PD Campobello di Licata
Joseph Sferrazza
Prot 3207 8 / 3 / 2011
the Mayor of Campobello di Licata
Subject: Request for meeting pool of Campobello, and various proposals on the construction of new premises and the Day Centre.
Joseph Sferrazza, the undersigned, as a leader of the PD of Campobello di Licata asks for a meeting on the possible reopening of the pool of Campobello to be held with relevant officials at the branch, preceded by a report which shows, by 'custody until 28 February this year, admissions and daily cash receipts, detailed by type of service, and costs incurred in the operation of the pool, also divided by type, in order to verify the technical and economic conditions for the reopening of the pool as soon as possible. Likewise, it is necessary to check all the technical conditions for the implementation of measures that would reduce some operating costs such as the placement of a photovoltaic system for water heating and electricity supply.
the undersigned, having seen the Statutory Decree No. 13 of 03.03.2001 with the appointment of the Sole of the procedure for the creation of new niches in the cemetery through the institution of the project finance, or by injection of private capital, "because of financial constraints of public bodies' calls in advance of knowing how many niches to be implemented and development costs as well as a studio where it is assumed the construction of niches in the economy through the experience of shipyards municipal work.
To this end, in fact, was established by Determination No. 1 of 01.14.2011, the management structure of project-service work sites for the unemployed "which could also be used for any worksite be implemented with local funds such as the construction of cemetery vaults.
This would make better use of human resources in the project structure and work to provide answers, albeit temporary, for the unemployed in the area.
With regard to financial resources as the city up the cash for the granting of niches not repent particular burden on municipal coffers in any event so the study mentioned above could explain all the technical, economic and financial of the story.
Finally, as mentioned several times is necessary to develop a project for the Day Centre to be submitted to the Regional Health, all’Assessorato regionale alla famiglia, nonché all’ASP di Agrigento per chiedere un contributo straordinario oltre al fatto che andrebbe rivisitata la direttiva n.2 del 3/2/2001 dall’assemblea dei Sindaci del distretto socio-sanitario D3 in cui si è deciso di rendere fruibili alla cittadinanza tutte le azioni del Piano di Zona del triennio 2010/2012 nonché per il Comune di Campobello di Licata i progetti di centri di socializzazione per un ammontare di € 862.090,00, mentre per altri Comuni come ad esempio Ravanusa tali risorse sono state destinate all’assistenza domiciliare anziani e disabili per 300 mila euro e Grotte per il trasporto disabili presso centri di riabilitazione per 201 mila euro. A giudizio del signed part of these financial resources could be directed to the Day Centre should be investigated besides the fact that the relevance of the directive is adopted and the plan area and the district budget for the years 2010/2012 approved by resolution of the City Council n.35 16/10/2009.
Campobello di Licata, 8/3/2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Kaboom Rv-nb10 Schematic
Women of the PD of Campobello di Licata's day 8 March
1° documento ( link )
2° documento ( link )
3° documento: poesia ( link )
4° documento ( link )
In occasione della festa dell’8 marzo le donne del PD di Campobello di Licata hanno voluto ricordare l’evento con tre documenti.
Il 1° documento ripercorre la bellissima manifestazione organizzata in tutte le piazze d’Italia dal titolo “se non ora quando?” a difesa della dignità femminile, dove donne non acquiescenti e non rassegnate hanno gridato BASTA non sopportando più di essere considerate, da un modo di pensare becero, l’eterno oggetto sessuale.
Il pericolo maggiore nascosto in questo modello di relazione tra uomini e women, based on the exchange of sexual services in exchange for favors and political offices, so boldly performed, is to legitimize and make people perceive as "normal" behaviors that are not normal but can cause to believe that this is the way to achieve the objectives to be asked.
Regardless of who evaluates them only according to their whims women go on, are determined, decisive, assertive, intelligent, prepared, independent, autonomous, able to decide their own fate, even if sometimes pay to dearly for all this.
The 2nd paper traces the history of the struggles of women for recognition of their rights of different social contexts, work, family, politics from the date of 8 March 1908 in the factory where Cottons New York 146 women workers died in a fire set by their employers to whom had rebelled to the low wages and abuses of power.
The last document is related to a poem written by a woman in the PD of Campobello on "being a woman" dedicated to all women, especially those struggling with abuse, scorn and against each lack of human and civil rights, but also mothers, wives, and those who offer their lives in the world more helpless and weak.
Buon 8 marzo a tutte le donne.
I testi dei tre documenti si trovano nel sito web:
Campobello di Licata, 8/3/2011
Il PD di Campobello di Licata
1° documento ( link )
2° documento ( link )
3° documento: poesia ( link )
4° documento ( link )
Darmowe Disco Polo Live
The contractor? For all financial transactions related to government procurement
The supervisor is the direct recipient of all the obligations created by Article 3 of Law 136/2010 and the whole new discipline hinges on account of it dedicated to public order. That person has absolute freedom in the choice of managing their liquidity may have on public procurement have one account or multiple accounts, or even a dedicated account for each government contract. But all the financial movements relating, if only in part, in government procurement should be made via the dedicated account or accounts. Main problem AP-subcontractors is to identify the types of entities with which it engages, distinguishing between contractors and subcontractors in the sector over suppliers of equipment and overheads, to consultants and employees: the former have to be contracted with the commitment to compliance with the provisions of Law 136/2010, shall have a dedicated account and be paid by bank and Cig / Cup from the awarding body, the latter should instead be paid by bank transfer or check, but not Cig / or liability for the Cup dedicated account , and in which the traceability of the cash flow stops. Moreover, in the case of employees not account holders, at the special request may be issued in their favor check non trasferibile. Sul concetto di subcontraente della filiera, l'interpretazione dell'Avcp è molto ampia (determinazione 8/10), nella misura in cui richiama l'articolo 1 del Dpr 150/2010 e, dunque, tutti i soggetti che intervengono a qualunque titolo nel ciclo di realizzazione dell'opera, anche con noli e forniture di beni e prestazioni di servizi, compresi quelli di natura intellettuale, qualunque sia l'importo dei relativi contratti o subcontratti. L'appaltatore è destinatario di deroghe solo per i pagamenti a enti previdenziali, assicurativi e istituzionali o a gestori e fornitori di pubblici servizi, nonché per i pagamenti di tributi: essi possono essere eseguiti con strumenti diversi dal bonifico, fermo restando l'obbligo di documentazione della spesa. Anche le spese giornaliere di importo unitario non superiore a 1.500 euro si possono effettuare con strumenti diversi dal bonifico, ma è sempre vietato l'uso del contante. Casistica particolare è quella dell'eventuale gestione di una "cassa contanti", anch'essa per le spese giornaliere, ammissibile solo costituendo, a mani di uno o più dipendenti, un fondo che dovrà poi essere rendicontato; la costituzione di tale fondo deve però avvenire mediante bonifico bancario o postale ? a valere sul conto aziendale dedicato ? a favore del soggetto designato quale "cassiere". Infine, si ricorda che anche sull'appaltatore vige un obbligo di denuncia delle violazioni alla prefettura competente per territorio in base alla sede della awarding body.
(Feat. ISVO)
The supervisor is the direct recipient of all the obligations created by Article 3 of Law 136/2010 and the whole new discipline hinges on account of it dedicated to public order. That person has absolute freedom in the choice of managing their liquidity may have on public procurement have one account or multiple accounts, or even a dedicated account for each government contract. But all the financial movements relating, if only in part, in government procurement should be made via the dedicated account or accounts. Main problem AP-subcontractors is to identify the types of entities with which it engages, distinguishing between contractors and subcontractors in the sector over suppliers of equipment and overheads, to consultants and employees: the former have to be contracted with the commitment to compliance with the provisions of Law 136/2010, shall have a dedicated account and be paid by bank and Cig / Cup from the awarding body, the latter should instead be paid by bank transfer or check, but not Cig / or liability for the Cup dedicated account , and in which the traceability of the cash flow stops. Moreover, in the case of employees not account holders, at the special request may be issued in their favor check non trasferibile. Sul concetto di subcontraente della filiera, l'interpretazione dell'Avcp è molto ampia (determinazione 8/10), nella misura in cui richiama l'articolo 1 del Dpr 150/2010 e, dunque, tutti i soggetti che intervengono a qualunque titolo nel ciclo di realizzazione dell'opera, anche con noli e forniture di beni e prestazioni di servizi, compresi quelli di natura intellettuale, qualunque sia l'importo dei relativi contratti o subcontratti. L'appaltatore è destinatario di deroghe solo per i pagamenti a enti previdenziali, assicurativi e istituzionali o a gestori e fornitori di pubblici servizi, nonché per i pagamenti di tributi: essi possono essere eseguiti con strumenti diversi dal bonifico, fermo restando l'obbligo di documentazione della spesa. Anche le spese giornaliere di importo unitario non superiore a 1.500 euro si possono effettuare con strumenti diversi dal bonifico, ma è sempre vietato l'uso del contante. Casistica particolare è quella dell'eventuale gestione di una "cassa contanti", anch'essa per le spese giornaliere, ammissibile solo costituendo, a mani di uno o più dipendenti, un fondo che dovrà poi essere rendicontato; la costituzione di tale fondo deve però avvenire mediante bonifico bancario o postale ? a valere sul conto aziendale dedicato ? a favore del soggetto designato quale "cassiere". Infine, si ricorda che anche sull'appaltatore vige un obbligo di denuncia delle violazioni alla prefettura competente per territorio in base alla sede della awarding body.
(Feat. ISVO)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Where Can I Buy A Off White Comic?
adjourn the members of the Consortium Campobello Asi pending clarification
Last October, the council of the PD group sent a letter to the Mayor of Campobello di Licata (link: ) for withdraw those members designated by the City within the General Council and the Steering Committee of Asia to Agrigento seen that many problems the concern of the ASI and Campobello Ravanusa are unresolved for many years, even more simple solution such as the failure of the exit opening of the highway SS576 Licata Torrente-Braem Ravanusa direction, forcing the trucks and cars to make a U rotation when they come from Licata.
learn from the press for the opening ceremony of the axis of the work of urban Doors Empedocles has been spent as much money might serve to open the release of the industrial and Campobello Ravanusa certainly does no credit to those who presides over that Consortium.
If we add all the accusations made by Sen. Lumia and the stances of Confindustria Agrigento, the CGIL and CISL is appropriate that the Mayor of Campobello, which will send a special letter, temporarily suspend those members designated will not be clear until all the contents of each other.
invite the President of ASI to visit the industrial area of \u200b\u200bCampobello and Ravanusa and solve the many problems affecting the area where there is a business center, on loan for use in Italy Development Italy Sicily and Development, which is completely abandoned and destroyed, and where he still has not completed the gas network, where there is shortage of water for drinking and industry, which has caused damage in the summer and considerable inconvenience to employers, where there is no ongoing maintenance of roads and green, which lack the daily presence of an operator ASI, where there is no proper signage, interior and exterior, where the missing ' CCTV system, which lack some services such as mail service and maybe the night security, where lighting is precarious, where a stretch of road that leads to the entrance from Campobello ASI is completely destroyed.
How we act also party to the Province of Agrigento to urge action that is affected the same because it is intolerable left alone to their fate business operators in that area.
Campobello di Licata, 5/3/2011
The PD of Campobello di Licata
Monica Roccaforte Pool
"An agreement aimed at safeguarding employment and income of workers and when you start comparing the attempt to find common solutions for the second half of the year, "said John Pirulli national secretary of the CISL Fisascat who commented positively on the creation of a special technical committee that by March 30, 2011 shall plan and define the optimization how to conduct the new tenders that will respect the rules of the European Union to avoid carrying out the competition at the individual school.
confirm the extension of contracts for cleaning services in schools expired or about to expire until June 30, 2011 under the same economic and regulatory conditions. This is the result of the comparison between the trade unions Fisascat CISL Filcams CGIL, UIL Uiltucs , employers' associations and the Ministry of Education represented by Undersecretary Joseph Pizza in order to resolve the dispute that involved more than 25,000 former workers lsu used in the cleaning services contract.
The meeting has also addressed the issue of late payments and the Ministry of Education confirmed the repayment of € 110 million covering the period July-December 2010. 'E' then conceivable settlement of delayed fees in the coming days - added Pirulli - hope so in an attitude of businesses aimed at closing the positive case. "
The meeting has also addressed the issue of late payments and the Ministry of Education confirmed the repayment of € 110 million covering the period July-December 2010. 'E' then conceivable settlement of delayed fees in the coming days - added Pirulli - hope so in an attitude of businesses aimed at closing the positive case. "
It 'important that everyone helps to ensure quality services in public schools, families and students while preserving Employment and earnings of the industry, "added the secretary general of Fisascat Pierangelo Raineri .
The trade unions together with employers' associations shall arrange for the proposals elaborated in the coming weeks to allow for overcome the present difficulties and to help shape the successful reorganization of the school cleaning services.
On March 3, 2011 at the Ministry of Education was signed the Minutes of the meeting covering workers employed in cleaning services in schools and former LSU Procurement storici.Seguirà explanatory circular.
On March 3, 2011 at the Ministry of Education was signed the Minutes of the meeting covering workers employed in cleaning services in schools and former LSU Procurement storici.Seguirà explanatory circular.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Cubefield 2 Widescreen
As trade unions we have analyzed the critical point for the document to be presented to them
Fisascat As we have strongly emphasized that in order to reach the end of the negotiated contract is necessary to amend the document presented:
On 16 February this year was held on the negotiations for the renewal of the Negotiable Cleaning Services and Integrated Services / Multiservice in course of business associations, and FISE-ANIP/CONFAPI/LEGACOOPSERVIZI/FEDERLAVORO SERVICES CONFCOOPERATIVE / AGCI-PSL have presented a document which they say has been revised on the basis of insights made in recent meetings.
As trade unions we have analyzed the critical point for the document to be presented to them
Fisascat As we have strongly emphasized that in order to reach the end of the negotiated contract is necessary to amend the document presented:
* withdrew some heavy demands on employers still present in the document referred to in Article .30 - time work;
.4 * Change the joints of the termination of the contract which was written as it worsens the rules;
* Improving the provisions of Article .58 - contractual arrangements - in the field of 2 Level of bargaining;
* Add a number of issues relating to bilateral and Integrative Health Care, oltreché definire la questione del salario.
Al termine dell’incontro si è quindi sottolineato che le proposte della controparte non tengono ancora conto dei contenuti della piattaforma presentata dalla Fisascat e dalla Uiltrasporti e che, non è possibile pensare di chiudere il rinnovo contrattuale solo su: avviso comune, salario, contrattazione di 2° livello e concessione di flessibilità richiesta dalla controparte su diversi punti del contratto. Occorre quindi seriamente qualificare il contenuto contrattuale.
Al termine dell’incontro abbiamo fissato nella giornata dell’11 marzo, 22 e 23 marzo 2011 i prossimi incontri di trattativa.
(Feat. FCL) * Improving the provisions of Article .58 - contractual arrangements - in the field of 2 Level of bargaining;
* Add a number of issues relating to bilateral and Integrative Health Care, oltreché definire la questione del salario.
Al termine dell’incontro si è quindi sottolineato che le proposte della controparte non tengono ancora conto dei contenuti della piattaforma presentata dalla Fisascat e dalla Uiltrasporti e che, non è possibile pensare di chiudere il rinnovo contrattuale solo su: avviso comune, salario, contrattazione di 2° livello e concessione di flessibilità richiesta dalla controparte su diversi punti del contratto. Occorre quindi seriamente qualificare il contenuto contrattuale.
Al termine dell’incontro abbiamo fissato nella giornata dell’11 marzo, 22 e 23 marzo 2011 i prossimi incontri di trattativa.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
How Did Pinky Gain All That Weight?
"Employers' organizations and trade unions, not heard by the Ministry, calling for a prompt meeting to discuss the best ways to ensure future employment for workers engaged in educational services
Over 26,000 jobs are at risk in the cleaning sector since July of this year already, not to mention the dangerous effects on levels of hygiene, the maintenance and security of schools. And 'this morning launched the complaint, during a joint press conference, the employers' associations LegacoopServizi, Federlavoro-CONFCOOPERATIVE and FISEAnip / Confindustria and the trade unions of workers in the sector Filcams-CGIL, CISL and Fisascat-Uiltrasporti-UIL.
"We express strong regret", they explain the associations, "for not meeting convened by the Ministry of Education, with the trade unions and employers' organizations, to coordinate and define the best solutions for the future of several thousand workers involved outsourced services in the cleaning of schools, whose contracts are expiring. We are also concerned about new management methods and contents of the tender, which among other things, according to the Directive of the Ministry of Education, would be directly assigned to individual schools without a social clause to protect workers. "
" For these reasons, "the organizations said" we demand an immediate call to remedy the confusion and legal office to ensure the employment relationships of employees.
The meeting between the parties, initially scheduling for the last week with the Secretary and the Director General Giuseppe Pizza Marco Ugo Filisetti, was removed and, at present, there are no new dates for the necessary comparison.
Last January 20 - say the organizations - the Ministry has granted an extension to June 30, 2011 for the continuation, under the same conditions of contracts for workers of school cleaning contracts through the so-called "Contracts History" and former LSU, already overdue. "
"It is still concern about what will happen starting next July 1 - continue - given the significant resource cuts agreed on outsourced services, as confirmed by the Ministry, which raises fears for jobs and income for thousands and thousands of workers and workers, as well as result in serious risks to the quality of services and thus for the health and safety in school environments for teachers and students. "
"A complicated situation - say - which also adds to the possible chaos that could result in the Directive of the Minister Gelmini, in which, inter alia, defines the criteria for future tenders. According to the measure, in a provisional stage of at least one year, are given the opportunity to individual schools to make their own territorial acquisition of such services, as well as setting that does not guarantee the current quality standards is in stark contrast to the legislation national community, in this case in compliance with the rules of legislative unique procurement law 163/2006 and in particular Article. 13 of law 136/2010, which, under the special plan against the Mafia, gives precise instructions for the reduction and the classification of the awarding entities and not to the contrary, as the Directive recalled. "
"If in the next few days - say the letters - do not work the necessary explanations and appropriate solutions to the problems reported, there will be very difficult to manage two things: Will the real occupational hazard for thousands of workers and employees and, consequently, will be inevitable mobilizations of workers through their trade unions. "
" It is therefore necessary - concludes the organizations - which empowers the Minister Gelmini is to enable a true national table that can face the present difficulties and can provide the answers to the protection of the interests of families, pupils and teachers to safeguard employment and income of workers. "
"We express strong regret", they explain the associations, "for not meeting convened by the Ministry of Education, with the trade unions and employers' organizations, to coordinate and define the best solutions for the future of several thousand workers involved outsourced services in the cleaning of schools, whose contracts are expiring. We are also concerned about new management methods and contents of the tender, which among other things, according to the Directive of the Ministry of Education, would be directly assigned to individual schools without a social clause to protect workers. "
" For these reasons, "the organizations said" we demand an immediate call to remedy the confusion and legal office to ensure the employment relationships of employees.
The meeting between the parties, initially scheduling for the last week with the Secretary and the Director General Giuseppe Pizza Marco Ugo Filisetti, was removed and, at present, there are no new dates for the necessary comparison.
Last January 20 - say the organizations - the Ministry has granted an extension to June 30, 2011 for the continuation, under the same conditions of contracts for workers of school cleaning contracts through the so-called "Contracts History" and former LSU, already overdue. "
"It is still concern about what will happen starting next July 1 - continue - given the significant resource cuts agreed on outsourced services, as confirmed by the Ministry, which raises fears for jobs and income for thousands and thousands of workers and workers, as well as result in serious risks to the quality of services and thus for the health and safety in school environments for teachers and students. "
"A complicated situation - say - which also adds to the possible chaos that could result in the Directive of the Minister Gelmini, in which, inter alia, defines the criteria for future tenders. According to the measure, in a provisional stage of at least one year, are given the opportunity to individual schools to make their own territorial acquisition of such services, as well as setting that does not guarantee the current quality standards is in stark contrast to the legislation national community, in this case in compliance with the rules of legislative unique procurement law 163/2006 and in particular Article. 13 of law 136/2010, which, under the special plan against the Mafia, gives precise instructions for the reduction and the classification of the awarding entities and not to the contrary, as the Directive recalled. "
"If in the next few days - say the letters - do not work the necessary explanations and appropriate solutions to the problems reported, there will be very difficult to manage two things: Will the real occupational hazard for thousands of workers and employees and, consequently, will be inevitable mobilizations of workers through their trade unions. "
" It is therefore necessary - concludes the organizations - which empowers the Minister Gelmini is to enable a true national table that can face the present difficulties and can provide the answers to the protection of the interests of families, pupils and teachers to safeguard employment and income of workers. "
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Russianbare Free Gallery
Greetings to the New Provincial Councillor, Dr La Marca
BEST WISHES TO NEO Provincial Councillor, DR THE BRAND
The PD of Campobello di Licata congratulates Dr La Marca for appointment as a provincial councilor, expressed as a technical Democratic Party provincial, and for the appointment of Felice Lo Faso.
We are confident that their freshness will help the President and the PD D'Orsi, and individual communities.
the neo Councillor La Marca also be asked to engage on the many issues that relate to the territory of Campobello di Licata, from realizing Technical Commercial Institute, whose works are still a few years.
Campobello di Licata returns, then, after many years, to have a representation in the Provincial Government and for the first time with a female figure and what goes on the group's local leader.
Campobello di Licata, 22/2/2011
The PD of Campobello di Licata
Tex Exceeded Stack 5000
will grow ever more the PD of Campobello di Licata
will grow ever more 'the PD of Campobello di Licata
Yesterday we met the directors of the Democratic Party of Campobello di Licata.
Among the topics addressed the integration of the Governing Board with the local Turkish Veronica Maria Rita and John Falsetto, whose request to join the party membership had been accepted by the Committee.
Now officially the two directors are part of the council of the PD of Campobello di Licata, led by Joseph Parent Sferrazza, whose confirmation has been sanctioned by all the directors within the group.
It therefore simplifies the political framework of the City Council with the presence of four political groups like the UDC, the FLI, the MPA, the PD and a civic list, with possible further developments in the coming weeks.
The PD will double the presence in the City Council and continues day after day, with the constant accession of new members, building on its way among the people proving to be the largest political force in the political landscape Campobello.
There is still much work to do but the road taken is the right one.
Campobello di Licata, 17/2/2011
The PD of Campobello di Licata
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tender Breasts In Men
The collaboration agreements between contracting authorities are at risk of unlawful violation of Community Directive 2004/18 on public procurement where a party is also trader. It foreshadows what the State Council, order No. 966 to the fifth section of the February 15, 2011, which defers to the European Court of Justice the question of interpretation regarding the possible violation of the Procurement Directive 2004/18 of a direct award concerning a charge of services provided by local health authorities in relation to a university. At first instance, the Tar-Lecce Puglia had in fact rejected an agreement under Article 15 of Law 241/90, on the ground that the company would carry out unlawful custody at the University of the assignment to direct the study and evaluation of seismic vulnerability hospitals of the province, omitting the rightful use of public procedures, in violation of the rules of free competition, transparency, proportionality and publicity of EU and national legislation. The ruling was appealed and, before deciding, a court in Palazzo Spada asked the European Court to define the question in ordine alla conformità alla direttiva 2004/18 della normativa che prevede la stipula di accordi fra due amministrazioni per l'effettuazione di servizi di studio e ricerca, a fronte di un corrispettivo non superiore alle spese sostenute per lo svolgimento della prestazione, nel caso in cui una di queste amministrazioni rivesta la qualità di operatore economico. Nel caso specifico, infatti, l'Università, anche in base alla recente giurisprudenza della Corte europea, ha natura di operatore economico, tant'è che viene autorizzata a partecipare alle gare di appalto pubblico a fianco degli operatori privati. Il Consiglio di stato ipotizza che il ricorso al partenariato pubblico-pubblico (basato sull'articolo 15 della legge 241/90) «possa outline the danger of conflict with the principles of competition when the administration which has concluded a cooperation agreement at the same time is of the quality of economic operator ', if it were a trader, should be treated like other traders and not Trustee should be directed to an assignment. On the other hand, in this case, there was also a consideration (equal to the costs incurred), which is evidence, however, say the judges, an onerous contract (the contract). Nor, it is stated in the order, one can imagine that the engagement may be attributed to wholesale house operation since the university 'administration is separate from A ASL and in no way can be considered long arm of the company. " Finally, say the judges, the European standards seem not to exclude the performance of detection and scientific research in their scope. All elements, these, which militate for the placing of these contracts to European law enforcement and a 241 with the same European Directive and the principles of the Treaty.
(Feat. IO)
The collaboration agreements between contracting authorities are at risk of unlawful violation of Community Directive 2004/18 on public procurement where a party is also trader. It foreshadows what the State Council, order No. 966 to the fifth section of the February 15, 2011, which defers to the European Court of Justice the question of interpretation regarding the possible violation of the Procurement Directive 2004/18 of a direct award concerning a charge of services provided by local health authorities in relation to a university. At first instance, the Tar-Lecce Puglia had in fact rejected an agreement under Article 15 of Law 241/90, on the ground that the company would carry out unlawful custody at the University of the assignment to direct the study and evaluation of seismic vulnerability hospitals of the province, omitting the rightful use of public procedures, in violation of the rules of free competition, transparency, proportionality and publicity of EU and national legislation. The ruling was appealed and, before deciding, a court in Palazzo Spada asked the European Court to define the question in ordine alla conformità alla direttiva 2004/18 della normativa che prevede la stipula di accordi fra due amministrazioni per l'effettuazione di servizi di studio e ricerca, a fronte di un corrispettivo non superiore alle spese sostenute per lo svolgimento della prestazione, nel caso in cui una di queste amministrazioni rivesta la qualità di operatore economico. Nel caso specifico, infatti, l'Università, anche in base alla recente giurisprudenza della Corte europea, ha natura di operatore economico, tant'è che viene autorizzata a partecipare alle gare di appalto pubblico a fianco degli operatori privati. Il Consiglio di stato ipotizza che il ricorso al partenariato pubblico-pubblico (basato sull'articolo 15 della legge 241/90) «possa outline the danger of conflict with the principles of competition when the administration which has concluded a cooperation agreement at the same time is of the quality of economic operator ', if it were a trader, should be treated like other traders and not Trustee should be directed to an assignment. On the other hand, in this case, there was also a consideration (equal to the costs incurred), which is evidence, however, say the judges, an onerous contract (the contract). Nor, it is stated in the order, one can imagine that the engagement may be attributed to wholesale house operation since the university 'administration is separate from A ASL and in no way can be considered long arm of the company. " Finally, say the judges, the European standards seem not to exclude the performance of detection and scientific research in their scope. All elements, these, which militate for the placing of these contracts to European law enforcement and a 241 with the same European Directive and the principles of the Treaty.
(Feat. IO)
Monday, February 21, 2011
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Registration and 'extended to all new contracts were not enough
two determinations to clarify the doubts applications for traceability of financial flows and, less than one month of the Act No 10 of 22 December, the Authority has also published on contracts operational questions (FAQ). Traceability is the theme more than any other in recent weeks, the warmer climate in local government and beyond, given the complex implications for economic actors. Among the most sustained is the lack of a threshold amount. The law provides, in fact, that the new requirements apply to all contracts for works, supplies and services between a client and a public trader, regardless of procurement procedures (race, economic services, etc.) and no difference between how the contract (formal contract, order as a result of supply and so on). The scope of application of the new rules, therefore, is wide and includes small contracts for supplies or services of low value, bought on a budget. Another delicate point is the exclusion from the requirements of traceability of purchases made using the fund economale, the costs of an occasional nature and urgent. Provided, however: that it is not expenditure incurred in respect of contracts, the purchases are typed in the regulation of accounting and economics and in compliance spending limits that the institution has given the fund regulations economale. Problems also the route of exclusion from the benefits of tracking the progress of works, services and supplies in the economy, through direct administration under Article 125, paragraph 3 of the Code of the contracts. Even in these cases? in which the contracting authority shall undertake the works with materials, equipment and personnel in their own? the exemption operates only if there are no contracts. Operational issues. The reconstruction of the cash flow related to public contracts is done with the IGC (identification code of the race), to be asked for the Supervisory Authority for all contracts, not being provided the minimum requirements. The compliance burden on a single charge of the procedure (known as clarified by the Authority on 7 September), at a time prior to the start of the bidding process, since the code must be specified in the notice, or in the public in the letter of invitation to tender (for the procedure without a call) or in the order letter (in the case of quotes and price lists issued by the supplier). For public investment projects (excluding routine maintenance) in charge of the proceedings is obliged to take up the Cup (unique design). After inserting clauses in the contracts of traceability, the payments must be made by bank or postal or other traceable, using the dedicated accounts. These may be provided by operators even once, in a declaration is valid for all contractual relationships. It is necessary that the charge of the procedure calls in the winding-up the details of the IGC, the Cup (if any) and IBAN bank account dedicated. This will ensure that the financial manager can use the codes in order to pay, and the bank can then put them in bank or post office. The penalty for failure to provide the instruments of payment codes ranging from 2 to 10% of the value of the transaction. Unfortunately, this new requirement adds to the already heavy duties di controllo presso Equitalia (per pagamenti superiori a 10mila euro) e di verifica del Durc, al quale recentemente l'Autorità sui contratti ha dedicato un'apposita sezione nelle Faq. Tutto ciò richiede una crescita nella collaborazione fra responsabili di procedimento e responsabile finanziario, ricordando che il nuovo obbligo non colpisce solo gli uffici addetti ai pagamenti, ma grava su tutti i settori.
(Feat. ISVO)
two determinations to clarify the doubts applications for traceability of financial flows and, less than one month of the Act No 10 of 22 December, the Authority has also published on contracts operational questions (FAQ). Traceability is the theme more than any other in recent weeks, the warmer climate in local government and beyond, given the complex implications for economic actors. Among the most sustained is the lack of a threshold amount. The law provides, in fact, that the new requirements apply to all contracts for works, supplies and services between a client and a public trader, regardless of procurement procedures (race, economic services, etc.) and no difference between how the contract (formal contract, order as a result of supply and so on). The scope of application of the new rules, therefore, is wide and includes small contracts for supplies or services of low value, bought on a budget. Another delicate point is the exclusion from the requirements of traceability of purchases made using the fund economale, the costs of an occasional nature and urgent. Provided, however: that it is not expenditure incurred in respect of contracts, the purchases are typed in the regulation of accounting and economics and in compliance spending limits that the institution has given the fund regulations economale. Problems also the route of exclusion from the benefits of tracking the progress of works, services and supplies in the economy, through direct administration under Article 125, paragraph 3 of the Code of the contracts. Even in these cases? in which the contracting authority shall undertake the works with materials, equipment and personnel in their own? the exemption operates only if there are no contracts. Operational issues. The reconstruction of the cash flow related to public contracts is done with the IGC (identification code of the race), to be asked for the Supervisory Authority for all contracts, not being provided the minimum requirements. The compliance burden on a single charge of the procedure (known as clarified by the Authority on 7 September), at a time prior to the start of the bidding process, since the code must be specified in the notice, or in the public in the letter of invitation to tender (for the procedure without a call) or in the order letter (in the case of quotes and price lists issued by the supplier). For public investment projects (excluding routine maintenance) in charge of the proceedings is obliged to take up the Cup (unique design). After inserting clauses in the contracts of traceability, the payments must be made by bank or postal or other traceable, using the dedicated accounts. These may be provided by operators even once, in a declaration is valid for all contractual relationships. It is necessary that the charge of the procedure calls in the winding-up the details of the IGC, the Cup (if any) and IBAN bank account dedicated. This will ensure that the financial manager can use the codes in order to pay, and the bank can then put them in bank or post office. The penalty for failure to provide the instruments of payment codes ranging from 2 to 10% of the value of the transaction. Unfortunately, this new requirement adds to the already heavy duties di controllo presso Equitalia (per pagamenti superiori a 10mila euro) e di verifica del Durc, al quale recentemente l'Autorità sui contratti ha dedicato un'apposita sezione nelle Faq. Tutto ciò richiede una crescita nella collaborazione fra responsabili di procedimento e responsabile finanziario, ricordando che il nuovo obbligo non colpisce solo gli uffici addetti ai pagamenti, ma grava su tutti i settori.
(Feat. ISVO)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
E 'need to protect the Mayor of the City of Campobello on the work of securing the landfill
Il gruppo consiliare del PD di Campobello di Licata ha inviato due lettere al Sindaco ed ai componenti della Giunta Municipale, una ieri pomeriggio ed un’altra oggi.
Con la prima si chiede al Sindaco di farsi promotore all’interno dell’Assemblea dei soci della Dedalo della volontà di aderire al protocollo di legalità, accordo quadro “Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa” stipulato il 12/7/2005 fra la Regione siciliana, il Ministero dell’Interno, le Prefetture, l’Autorità di Vigilanza sui lavori pubblici, l’INPS e l’INAIL per come già fatto dal Comune di Campobello di Licata con delibera n.43 del 2/7/2007 e da alcune società di ambito del settore come Kalat Ambiente S.p.A. ATO CT5.
Tale protocollo ha come finalità quello di rafforzare le condizioni di legalità e sicurezza nella gestione degli appalti pubblici, nella concessione di lavori, nelle forniture e nell’erogazioni di finanziamenti a valere su proprie risorse ed andrebbe utilizzato anche gli importi inferiori ai limiti previsti dal protocollo.
Nella lettera si chiede di valutare l’adesione a progetti che hanno come obiettivo la realizzazione del wi-fi free in some places like the Piazza XX Settembre and the Multipurpose Center but also to activate a special protocol with the Regional Department of Economy to promote the tax credit for new investment and growth in size of the firms which will start next March .
The second letter was inspired by the statements which appeared in the media, the President of Daedalus indictment against the City of Campobello di Licata the lack of action for the safeguarding of the landfill which could cause a disaster environmental statement to the extent that "Campobello become deaf ear" and declaring that he had sent for information a letter to the Prosecutor of Agrigento.
Group Board of PD to this end requests an urgent meeting to the City with the presence of officials competent in class and as the measure, in the opinion of the Board, is filled invite the Mayor to protect the Town of Campobello by promoting a special dossier on the landfill, on the work of formal security, but also on management of Daedalus, or have been, on the failure to achieve the goals of recycling and other topics, to be sent to the Prosecutor's Office of Agrigento, the DDA and the Attorney General of the Court of Auditors as done by the group Board of the Democratic Party last December on some issues relating to waste.
Campobello di Licata, 16/2/2011
Joseph Sferrazza
parent company of the PD of Campobello di Licata
Text the 1st letter
Prot 2207 of 15/2/2011
Al ; Mayor of Campobello di Licata
For Components of the Municipal Council
Subject: legality Protocol for the Environment Daedalus and other initiatives.
The undersigned directors of the local PD Campobello di Licata called on the Mayor of a promoter within the Assembly of the members of Daedalus their willingness to adhere to the protocol of law, the Framework Agreement "Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa" signed on 12/7/2005 between the Sicilian Region, the Ministry of the Interior, the Prefectures, the Supervisory Authority on public works, to INPS and INAIL as did the town of Campobello di Licata by resolution n.43 of 07.02.2007 and some companies within the industry as Kalat Ambiente SpA ATO CT5.
This protocol has the aim to strengthen the conditions di legalità e sicurezza nella gestione degli appalti pubblici, nella concessione di lavori, nelle forniture e nell’erogazioni di finanziamenti a valere su proprie risorse ed andrebbe utilizzato anche gli importi inferiori ai limiti previsti dal protocollo.
I sottoscritti Consiglieri chiedono al Sindaco di valutare, tramite i propri uffici, l’adesione a progetti che hanno come obiettivo la realizzazione del wi-fi gratis (troverà un esempio al seguente indirizzo: ) in alcuni luoghi come ad esempio la Piazza XX Settembre o il Centro Polivalente in so as to ensure free access to young people.
Finally, the undersigned Board indicate the possibility of signing with the Department of Regional Economy a memorandum of understanding to provide information on the procedures necessary for the procedures covered by the measures facilitate regional law 11/2009 "Tax credits for new investment and growth of firms, which most likely will be active at the end of next month, as did some trade associations and how they could make even the municipalities as a service to local promotion.
The aim is to ensure the most widespread and diffuse knowledge, in the municipality, the extent inserting the tax credit, providing the technical and regulatory expertise.
The information can be found at: .
Campobello di Licata, 15/2/2011
Text of the 2nd letter
________________ of Prot 02/16/2011
the Mayor of Campobello di Licata
The members of the Town Council
Subject: Request for urgent meeting on the work of securing the discharge of Campobello di Licata
Joseph Sferrazza, the undersigned, as a parent PD Board of Campobello di Licata asks for a meeting urgente, con la presenza dei funzionari competenti al ramo, sui lavori di messa in sicurezza della discarica di Campobello.
Già con l’ordine del giorno sui rifiuti approvato lo scorso mese di Gennaio avevamo chiesto alla Dedalo una relazione dettagliata sui costi totali per la messa in sicurezza delle attuali tre vasche di raccolta della discarica di Campobello e sulle motivazioni per cui ancora ad oggi non è stata bandita la gara per i lavori di messa in sicurezza di cui alla Delibera del Commissario ad acta, con i poteri del Consiglio comunale, n.40 del 22/9/2010 in cui si è stabilito che le somme, pari a 2,5 milioni di euro, saranno anticipate alla Dedalo da parte del Commissario per l’Emergenza reclamation and water conservation in Sicily ex OPCM n.3852 of 19/2/2010.
We learn instead from the press that the current President of Daedalus calls for urgent action by the Mayor of Campobello to avoid an environmental disaster, stating the expertise of the City on the operations to be performed for the remediation of the landfill and by serious allegations, or that "Campobello become deaf ear."
We learn also that the President has sent a letter to various organs and copied to the Public Prosecutor of Agrigento.
In the opinion of the Board PD of the measure is full and you need to clarify once and for all and to that end invite the Mayor of Campobello to protect the City by promoting a special dossier on the landfill, on the work of formal security, but also on how to manage the Daedalus, even past the missed targets of recycling and other topics, to be sent to the Prosecutor of Agrigento, the DDA and the Attorney General of the Court of Auditors as done by the council of the PD group last month December on some issues relating to waste.
Campobello di Licata 02/16/2011
Joseph Sferrazza
parent company of PD of Campobello di Licata
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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Si è svolto il giorno 2 febbraio u.s. la trattativa in ristretta per il rinnovo del CCNL Imprese di Pulizia e Servizi Integrati/Multiservizi.Nel corso dell’incontro si has done a study on all the texts so far is part of employers and party sindacale.Tale study has served to make clarifications and to reaffirm our unwillingness to accept the usual demands of counterparties, three times, the sixth day etc.etc . On the basis of the comparison counterparts Fise / Confindustria, Unionservizi / Confapi, Lega Coop and Agci Services, are committed to provide in the treaty of February 16 pv plemaria a new revised and updated, on the basis of which it is minimally acceptable, groped to the thrust finale.La plenary delegation should therefore ensure their presence for the day February 16, 2011 beginning at 11:00 am at the headquarters dell'ANIP / FISE
(Feat. FCP)
(Feat. FCP)
Monday, February 14, 2011
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E' need to start a serious discussion on the budget 2011
local councilors of the PD of Campobello di Licata sent a letter to the Mayor and members of the Town Council to press for a discussion, as soon as possible, the three-year plan of public works, 2011 / 2013 and the next budget.
Advisers in the letter asking it to start detailed discussions with all Capisettore to take cognizance of national and regional transfer cuts, the new rules of the Stability Pact and their refluenza in budget 2011.
The Directors note that they have seen that the local institutions, among them the Day Centre, have been subjected to a halt due to financial uncertainty, as well as a stop or risk a steep downturn in other services such as social care, services, sports, culture, maintenance, and so on.
Given the crisis we are attraversando i Consiglieri comunali apprezzano la riduzione dell’indennità del Sindaco e dei componenti della Giunta Comunale e si augurano un’analoga riduzione da parte del Consiglio comunale e del Presidente così come un taglio per le indennità di posizione e delle indennità dei responsabili delle Istituzioni, come anche una riorganizzazione amministrativa più funzionale alle esigenze dei cittadini e con la verifica della fattibilità dell’accorpamento di alcuni settori, poiché è giusto che ciascuno, nell’ambito delle rispettive competenze, dia un contributo per affrontare meglio la crisi ed indirizzare tali risorse per le fasce più deboli della popolazione.
Nella lettera i Consiglieri sollecitano una riunione con il Commissario liquidatore della Dedalo e con il rappresentante legale della ITRAS srl al fine di capire come si concilia la realizzazione di una trasferenza dei rifiuti urbani non pericolosi nel territorio di Campobello di Licata a servizio dell’ambito AG3 con un potenziale produttivo pari al totale dei rifiuti prodotto in un anno dall’ambito ed il raggiungimento di una percentuale di raccolta differenziata pari al 35%.
Infine, i Consiglieri chiedono di fare il punto della situazione sul piano industriale della Dedalo visto che le ultime notizie a loro disposizione risalgono a più di un mese ago, as well as on matters pertaining to bills sent by Girgenti waters in December.
Campobello di Licata, 14/2/2011
local councilors of PD
Joseph Sferrazza and John Picone
Prot 2001 of 14/2/2011
Al Mayor of Campobello di Licata
For Components of the Municipal Council
Subject: ; three-year plan of public works 2011/2013, Budget 2011 and other topics.
The undersigned councilors of the Democratic Party of Campobello di Licata, in order to better and more functional programming, call in the shortest time possible, start a discussion on three-year plan of public works, 2011 / 2013 to do so before the adoption of the instrument by the Board and then approval by the City Council.
At the same time a call is initiated discussion with all Capisettore to take cognizance of the cuts in transfers national and regional authorities, the new rules of the Stability Pact and their refluenza in budget 2011.
The aim must be to approve the budget within a reasonable time, even in the uncertainty of regional transfers.
As we have seen, municipal institutions, and between them the day center, suffered a halt due to financial uncertainty, as well as a likely stop or drastically curtail other services such as assistance social services sports, culture, maintenance, and so on.
given the crisis that we are going through, we appreciated the reduction in the components of the Mayor and City Council, we hope that the City Council and the President do the same, so hopefully similar to cutting bonuses and allowances of the position of the heads of institutions, as also an administrative reorganization, most functional needs of citizens and by checking the feasibility of the incorporation of certain sectors, since it is right that people, within their competences, to make a contribution to better deal with the crisis and to direct those resources to the weaker segments of the population.
should therefore be a frank discussion on the 2011 budget and debt off-balance sheet potential that each citizen has cognizance of the difficult financial situation that this year will affect the town of Campobello di Licata, do not fail to mention issues related to the securing of landfill management and the initiation of liquidation of Daedalus with the related investigation of the mass of assets and liabilities of the company, which will certainly have an impact also on the 2011 budget.
Speaking of waste, having seen the proposal from the company Itras Ltd aimed at creating a transference of municipal waste dangerous in the territory of Campobello di Licata AG3 service scope, we understand, in light of the potential of the system equal to the actual production of waste scope, as is consistent with the target set by the regional law in 2011 ie to achieve a recycling rate of 35%. To this end, it is desirable for a special conference of the group leaders with the presence of the representative office of liquidator Itras Ltd and Commissioner of Daedalus, and take stock of the situation on the industrial plan of Daedalus as the latest news at our disposal are more than a month ago, as well as on matters pertaining to bills sent by Girgenti waters in December.
Campobello di Licata, 14/2/2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
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CGIL CISL UIL, EX LSU: The Ministry not to convene the Trade Unions EASY NO DISCOUNTS
Le modalità di gestione delle gare di appalto, secondo la Direttiva predisposta dal Miur ed inviata alla Corte dei Conti, sarebbero affidate direttamente agli istituti scolastici contrastano con la normativa nazionale e comunitaria e non prevedono la clausola sociale
Esprimiamo rammarico per la mancata convocazione dell’incontro, da parte del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, con le organizzazioni datoriali e sindacali, per concertare e definire le migliori soluzioni per il futuro dei 26.000 lavoratori impegnati nei servizi esternalizzati di pulizie delle scuole, i cui contratti sono in scadenza. Siamo altresì preoccupati per le nuove modalità di gestione e i contenuti delle gare di appalto, che tra l’altro secondo la Direttiva predisposta dal Miur verrebbero direttamente affidate ai singoli istituti scolastici senza clausola sociale a salvaguardia dei lavoratori”.
È questo il commento che arriva dalle organizzazioni datoriali Federlavoro e Servizi Confcooperative, Fise Anip Confindustria, Legacoop Servizi, e i sindacati Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl, Uiltrasporti Uil, al mancato incontro che secondo il verbale di accordo siglato lo scorso 20 gennaio, avrebbe visto le associazioni riunite oggi al Miur a confronto con il sottosegretario Giuseppe Pizza e il direttore Generale Marco Ugo Filisetti.
"Last January 20 - say the organizations - the Ministry has granted an extension to June 30, 2011, for the prosecution, under the same conditions, contracts of employees of the school cleaning contracts with so-called" Procurement History "and former LSU already overdue. Is still concern about what will happen starting next July 1, given the large cuts of crucial resources on outsourced services, as confirmed by the Ministry, which raises fears for jobs and income for thousands and thousands of workers and employees, as well as result in serious risks to the quality of services and thus for the health and safety in school environments for teachers and students. "
“Una situazione complicata – concludono le organizzazioni - cui si aggiunge anche il possibile caos che potrebbe generare la Direttiva~ del Ministro Gelmini, in cui, tra l’altro, vengono definiti i criteri per le future gare di appalto. Secondo il provvedimento, in una fase provvisoria di almeno un anno, viene data la possibilità alle singole istituzioni scolastiche territoriali di provvedere autonomamente all'acquisizione di tali servizi, impostazione che oltre a non garantire gli attuali standard, è in evidente contrasto con la normativa nazionale e comunitaria, in particolare con l'art. 13 della legge 136 /2010, che dà precise indicazioni per la riduzione e la qualificazione delle stazioni appaltanti e non per il contrario, come fa la direttiva richiamata”.
Le parti chiedono una immediata convocazione per rimediare alla confusione giuridico legale e per garantire i rapporti di lavoro degli addetti.
(Feat. FFU)
Esprimiamo rammarico per la mancata convocazione dell’incontro, da parte del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, con le organizzazioni datoriali e sindacali, per concertare e definire le migliori soluzioni per il futuro dei 26.000 lavoratori impegnati nei servizi esternalizzati di pulizie delle scuole, i cui contratti sono in scadenza. Siamo altresì preoccupati per le nuove modalità di gestione e i contenuti delle gare di appalto, che tra l’altro secondo la Direttiva predisposta dal Miur verrebbero direttamente affidate ai singoli istituti scolastici senza clausola sociale a salvaguardia dei lavoratori”.
È questo il commento che arriva dalle organizzazioni datoriali Federlavoro e Servizi Confcooperative, Fise Anip Confindustria, Legacoop Servizi, e i sindacati Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl, Uiltrasporti Uil, al mancato incontro che secondo il verbale di accordo siglato lo scorso 20 gennaio, avrebbe visto le associazioni riunite oggi al Miur a confronto con il sottosegretario Giuseppe Pizza e il direttore Generale Marco Ugo Filisetti.
"Last January 20 - say the organizations - the Ministry has granted an extension to June 30, 2011, for the prosecution, under the same conditions, contracts of employees of the school cleaning contracts with so-called" Procurement History "and former LSU already overdue. Is still concern about what will happen starting next July 1, given the large cuts of crucial resources on outsourced services, as confirmed by the Ministry, which raises fears for jobs and income for thousands and thousands of workers and employees, as well as result in serious risks to the quality of services and thus for the health and safety in school environments for teachers and students. "
“Una situazione complicata – concludono le organizzazioni - cui si aggiunge anche il possibile caos che potrebbe generare la Direttiva~ del Ministro Gelmini, in cui, tra l’altro, vengono definiti i criteri per le future gare di appalto. Secondo il provvedimento, in una fase provvisoria di almeno un anno, viene data la possibilità alle singole istituzioni scolastiche territoriali di provvedere autonomamente all'acquisizione di tali servizi, impostazione che oltre a non garantire gli attuali standard, è in evidente contrasto con la normativa nazionale e comunitaria, in particolare con l'art. 13 della legge 136 /2010, che dà precise indicazioni per la riduzione e la qualificazione delle stazioni appaltanti e non per il contrario, come fa la direttiva richiamata”.
Le parti chiedono una immediata convocazione per rimediare alla confusione giuridico legale e per garantire i rapporti di lavoro degli addetti.
(Feat. FFU)
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