Monday, February 21, 2011

Buy Blues Saraceno Reh


Registration and 'extended to all new contracts were not enough
two determinations to clarify the doubts applications for traceability of financial flows and, less than one month of the Act No 10 of 22 December, the Authority has also published on contracts operational questions (FAQ). Traceability is the theme more than any other in recent weeks, the warmer climate in local government and beyond, given the complex implications for economic actors. Among the most sustained is the lack of a threshold amount. The law provides, in fact, that the new requirements apply to all contracts for works, supplies and services between a client and a public trader, regardless of procurement procedures (race, economic services, etc.) and no difference between how the contract (formal contract, order as a result of supply and so on). The scope of application of the new rules, therefore, is wide and includes small contracts for supplies or services of low value, bought on a budget. Another delicate point is the exclusion from the requirements of traceability of purchases made using the fund economale, the costs of an occasional nature and urgent. Provided, however: that it is not expenditure incurred in respect of contracts, the purchases are typed in the regulation of accounting and economics and in compliance spending limits that the institution has given the fund regulations economale. Problems also the route of exclusion from the benefits of tracking the progress of works, services and supplies in the economy, through direct administration under Article 125, paragraph 3 of the Code of the contracts. Even in these cases? in which the contracting authority shall undertake the works with materials, equipment and personnel in their own? the exemption operates only if there are no contracts. Operational issues. The reconstruction of the cash flow related to public contracts is done with the IGC (identification code of the race), to be asked for the Supervisory Authority for all contracts, not being provided the minimum requirements. The compliance burden on a single charge of the procedure (known as clarified by the Authority on 7 September), at a time prior to the start of the bidding process, since the code must be specified in the notice, or in the public in the letter of invitation to tender (for the procedure without a call) or in the order letter (in the case of quotes and price lists issued by the supplier). For public investment projects (excluding routine maintenance) in charge of the proceedings is obliged to take up the Cup (unique design). After inserting clauses in the contracts of traceability, the payments must be made by bank or postal or other traceable, using the dedicated accounts. These may be provided by operators even once, in a declaration is valid for all contractual relationships. It is necessary that the charge of the procedure calls in the winding-up the details of the IGC, the Cup (if any) and IBAN bank account dedicated. This will ensure that the financial manager can use the codes in order to pay, and the bank can then put them in bank or post office. The penalty for failure to provide the instruments of payment codes ranging from 2 to 10% of the value of the transaction. Unfortunately, this new requirement adds to the already heavy duties di controllo presso Equitalia (per pagamenti superiori a 10mila euro) e di verifica del Durc, al quale recentemente l'Autorità sui contratti ha dedicato un'apposita sezione nelle Faq. Tutto ciò richiede una crescita nella collaborazione fra responsabili di procedimento e responsabile finanziario, ricordando che il nuovo obbligo non colpisce solo gli uffici addetti ai pagamenti, ma grava su tutti i settori.
(Feat. ISVO)


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