Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tender Breasts In Men


Order No. 966 of the State Council shall refer the matter to the Court of Justice

The collaboration agreements between contracting authorities are at risk of unlawful violation of Community Directive 2004/18 on public procurement where a party is also trader. It foreshadows what the State Council, order No. 966 to the fifth section of the February 15, 2011, which defers to the European Court of Justice the question of interpretation regarding the possible violation of the Procurement Directive 2004/18 of a direct award concerning a charge of services provided by local health authorities in relation to a university. At first instance, the Tar-Lecce Puglia had in fact rejected an agreement under Article 15 of Law 241/90, on the ground that the company would carry out unlawful custody at the University of the assignment to direct the study and evaluation of seismic vulnerability hospitals of the province, omitting the rightful use of public procedures, in violation of the rules of free competition, transparency, proportionality and publicity of EU and national legislation. The ruling was appealed and, before deciding, a court in Palazzo Spada asked the European Court to define the question in ordine alla conformità alla direttiva 2004/18 della normativa che prevede la stipula di accordi fra due amministrazioni per l'effettuazione di servizi di studio e ricerca, a fronte di un corrispettivo non superiore alle spese sostenute per lo svolgimento della prestazione, nel caso in cui una di queste amministrazioni rivesta la qualità di operatore economico. Nel caso specifico, infatti, l'Università, anche in base alla recente giurisprudenza della Corte europea, ha natura di operatore economico, tant'è che viene autorizzata a partecipare alle gare di appalto pubblico a fianco degli operatori privati. Il Consiglio di stato ipotizza che il ricorso al partenariato pubblico-pubblico (basato sull'articolo 15 della legge 241/90) «possa outline the danger of conflict with the principles of competition when the administration which has concluded a cooperation agreement at the same time is of the quality of economic operator ', if it were a trader, should be treated like other traders and not Trustee should be directed to an assignment. On the other hand, in this case, there was also a consideration (equal to the costs incurred), which is evidence, however, say the judges, an onerous contract (the contract). Nor, it is stated in the order, one can imagine that the engagement may be attributed to wholesale house operation since the university 'administration is separate from A ASL and in no way can be considered long arm of the company. " Finally, say the judges, the European standards seem not to exclude the performance of detection and scientific research in their scope. All elements, these, which militate for the placing of these contracts to European law enforcement and a 241 with the same European Directive and the principles of the Treaty.
(Feat. IO)


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